California Code
ARTICLE 10.4 - Toxics in Packaging Prevention Act
Section 25214.12.

25214.12. For purposes of this article, the following terms have the following meanings:

(a) “Authorized official” means a representative of a manufacturer or supplier who is authorized pursuant to the laws of this state to bind the manufacturer or supplier regarding the accuracy of the content of a certificate of compliance.

(b) “ASTM” means the American Society for Testing and Materials.

(c) “Distribution” means the practice of taking title to a package or a packaging component for promotional purposes or resale. A person involved solely in delivering a package or a packaging component on behalf of a third party is not engaging in distribution.

(d) (1) “Intentional introduction” means the act of deliberately utilizing a regulated metal in the formation of a package or packaging component where its continued presence is desired in the final package or packaging component to provide a specific characteristic, appearance, or quality.

(2) “Intentional introduction” does not include either of the following:

(A) The use of a regulated metal as a processing agent or intermediate to impart certain chemical or physical changes during manufacturing, where the incidental retention of a residue of that metal in the final package or packaging component is not desired or deliberate, if the final package or packaging component is in compliance with subdivision (c) of Section 25214.13.

(B) The use of recycled materials as feedstock for the manufacture of new packaging materials, where some portion of the recycled materials may contain amounts of a regulated metal, if the new package or packaging component is in compliance with subdivision (c) of Section 25214.13.

(e) “Incidental presence” means the presence of a regulated metal as an unintended or undesired ingredient of a package or packaging component.

(f) “Manufacturer” means any person, firm, association, partnership, or corporation producing a package or packaging component.

(g) “Manufacturing” means the physical or chemical modification of a material to produce packaging or a packaging component.

(h) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), “package” means any container, produced either domestically or in a foreign country, providing a means of marketing, protecting, or handling a product from its point of manufacture to its sale or transfer to a consumer, including a unity package, an intermediate package, or a shipping container, as defined in the ASTM specification D 996. “Package” also includes, but is not limited to, unsealed receptacles, including carrying cases, crates, cups, pails, rigid foil and other trays, wrappers and wrapping films, bags, and tubs.

(2) “Package” does not include a reusable bag, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 42250 of the Public Resources Code.

(i) “Packaging component” means any individual assembled part of a package that is produced either domestically or in a foreign country, including, but not necessarily limited to, any interior or exterior blocking, bracing, cushioning, weatherproofing, exterior strapping, coatings, closures, inks, labels, dyes, pigments, adhesives, stabilizers, or any other additives. Tin-plated steel that meets the ASTM specification A 623 shall be considered as a single package component. Electrogalvanized coated steel and hot dipped coated galvanized steel that meet the ASTM qualifications A 591, A 653, A 879, and A 924 shall be treated in the same manner as tin-plated steel.

(j) “Purchaser” means a person who purchases and takes title to a package or a packaging component, from a manufacturer or supplier, for the purpose of packaging a product manufactured, distributed, or sold by the purchaser.

(k) “Recycled material” means a material that has been separated from solid waste for the purpose of recycling the material as a secondary material feedstock. Recycled materials include paper, plastic, wood, glass, ceramics, metals, and other materials, except that recycled material does not include a regulated metal that has been separated from other materials into its elemental or other chemical state for recycling as a secondary material feedstock.

(l) “Regulated metal” means lead, mercury, cadmium, or hexavalent chromium.

(m) (1) “Supplier” means a person who does or is one or more of the following:

(A) Sells, offers for sale, or offers for promotional purposes, a package or packaging component that is used by any other person to package a product.

(B) Takes title to a package or packaging component, produced either domestically or in a foreign country, that is purchased for resale or promotional purposes.

(C) Acts as an intermediary for the purchase of a package or packaging component for resale from a manufacturer located in another country to a purchaser located in this state, and who may receive a commission or a fee on that sale.

(D) Listed as the importer of record on a United States Customs Service form for an imported package or packaging component.

(2) “Supplier” does not include a person involved solely in delivering a package or packaging component on behalf of a third party.

(n) “Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse” means the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) of the Council of State Governments.

(Amended by Stats. 2009, Ch. 140, Sec. 110. (AB 1164) Effective January 1, 2010.)