23821. Whenever it is made to appear to the department by satisfactory evidence that the population in any county has increased by more than 2,000 or multiples of 2,000 inhabitants since the most recent United States decennial or special census, and it appears to the department that by reason thereof the inhabitants of the county are unjustly and unfairly discriminated against, and if the total number of on-sale general licenses in such county do not then exceed the maximum specified in Section 23816, the department, subject to the limitation contained in Section 24070, may issue not to exceed one on-sale general license for each increase of 2,000 inhabitants in the county since the taking of the census.
Whenever it is made to appear to the department by satisfactory evidence that the population in any county has increased by more than 2,500 or multiples of 2,500 inhabitants since the most recent United States decennial or special census and it appears to the department that by reason thereof the inhabitants of the county are unjustly and unfairly discriminated against, and if the total number of off-sale general licenses in such county do not then exceed the maximum specified in Section 23817, the department, subject to the limitation contained in Section 24070, may issue not to exceed one off-sale general license for each increase of 2,500 inhabitants in the county since the taking of the census.
Before any applications for new original on-sale general or new original off-sale general or intercounty transfer of off-sale general or on-sale general licenses are accepted, the department shall publish pursuant to Section 6061 of the Government Code in the county where such new original licenses may be issued or into which off-sale general or on-sale general licenses may be transferred, notice of the department’s intention to receive applications for the issuance of such new original licenses or for the intercounty transfer of off-sale general or on-sale general licenses, setting forth the date, time, manner and place of acceptance of such applications within the county. In all other respects the limitation hereinbefore provided for shall continue in effect.
(Amended by Stats. 1969, Ch. 1466.)