23502. (a) The department may issue a craft distiller’s license to a person that has facilities and equipment for the purposes of, and is engaged in, the commercial manufacture of distilled spirits. The craft distiller’s license authorizes the licensee to do all of the following:
(1) Manufacture distilled spirits. For purposes of this article, “manufacture” means the actual distillation of distilled spirits from naturally fermented materials or the redistillation of distilled spirits obtained from another manufacturer of distilled spirits.
(2) Produce distilled spirits. For purposes of this article, “produce” means to mix, color, flavor, or blend distilled spirits, whether manufactured by the licensee or by another manufacturer of distilled spirits.
(3) Only sell distilled spirits that are manufactured or produced by the licensee solely to a wholesaler, manufacturer, winegrower, manufacturer’s agent, or rectifier that holds a license authorizing the sale of distilled spirits or to persons that take delivery of those distilled spirits within this state for delivery or use without the state.
(4) Deal in warehouse receipts.
(5) Manufacture or produce up to 150,000 gallons of distilled spirits per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30), excluding brandy the craft distiller manufactures or has manufactured for it pursuant to a brandy manufacturer license, as reported to the department in the manner prescribed by the department for the fiscal year prior to the date of submitting an application for the license. At least 65 percent of the total volume of distilled spirits manufactured or produced shall be actually manufactured by the licensee. The volume of distilled spirits authorized by this paragraph shall be calculated by adding the volume of distilled spirits, less waste, drawn off the still with the volume of distilled spirits obtained by the licensee from any other source that is not redistilled by the licensee. For purposes of this paragraph, “volume” means the liquid volume and shall not be based on proof gallons or packaged goods.
(b) A craft distiller’s license shall not be issued to any person, any officer, director, employee, or agent of such person, or any person who is affiliated with, directly or indirectly, a person that manufactures or has manufactured for them more than 150,000 gallons of distilled spirits per year within or without the state, excluding brandy it manufactures or has manufactured for them pursuant to a brandy manufacturer license, or to any person that is affiliated with, directly or indirectly, a wholesaler.
(c) A licensed craft distiller shall report to the department, at the time of renewal in the manner prescribed by the department, the amount of distilled spirits manufactured or produced by the licensee specifying, as applicable, the respective amounts of distilled spirits the licensed craft distiller has manufactured itself, obtained from another manufacturer of distilled spirits, and imported, excluding brandy manufactured by or for the licensee pursuant to a brandy manufacturer license, during the previous fiscal year. If the report to the department establishes that the licensee no longer qualifies to hold a craft distiller’s license because the licensee has either exceeded the 150,000 gallon manufacture or production limitation as specified in paragraph (5) of subdivision (a) or actually manufactured less than 65 percent of the total volume of distilled spirits as specified in paragraph (5) of subdivision (a), the department shall renew the license as a distilled spirits manufacturer’s license.
(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 29, Sec. 32. (SB 82) Effective June 27, 2019.)