California Code
ARTICLE 4 - Tangible Personal Property
Section 21642.5.

21642.5. (a) The Department of Justice shall require each applicant for an initial license under Section 21641 of this code or Section 21300 of the Financial Code and each applicant for renewal of a license under Section 21642 of this code or Section 21301 of the Financial Code to pay a fee not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300), but in no event exceeding the costs described in subdivision (b), except that the fee may be increased at a rate not to exceed any increase in the California Consumer Price Index as compiled and reported by the Department of Industrial Relations.

(b) The fees assessed pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be no more than necessary to cover the reasonable regulatory costs to the department of doing all of the following:

(1) Processing initial license applications under Section 21641 of this code and Section 21300 of the Financial Code.

(2) Processing renewal applications under Section 21642 of this code and Section 21301 of the Financial Code.

(3) Implementing, operating, and maintaining CAPSS described in Section 21627.5.

(c) All licensees holding a license issued before the effective date of the act adding this section pursuant to Section 21641 or 21642 of this code or Section 21300 or 21301 of the Financial Code shall, within 120 days after enactment of the act adding this section in the 2011–12 Regular Session, in addition to any fee required under subdivision (a), pay a fee not to exceed two hundred eighty-eight dollars ($288) to the Department of Justice.

(d) The fees paid pursuant to subdivisions (a) and (c) shall be deposited in the Secondhand Dealer and Pawnbroker Fund, which is hereby established in the State Treasury. The revenue in the fund shall, upon appropriation by the Legislature, be used by the Department of Justice for the purpose of paying for the costs described in paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, of subdivision (b), except that the revenue received pursuant to subdivision (c) shall, upon appropriation by the Legislature, be used by the Department of Justice for the purpose of paying for the costs described in paragraph (3) of subdivision (b).

(e) Applicants described in subdivision (a) shall submit to the Department of Justice fingerprint images and related information required by the Department of Justice for the purposes of obtaining information as to the existence and contents of a record of state convictions and state arrests and information as to the existence and contents of a record of state arrests for which the Department of Justice establishes that the person is free on bail or on his or her own recognizance pending trial or appeal.

(1) The Department of Justice shall prepare a state-level response pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (l) of Section 11105 of the Penal Code.

(2) The Department of Justice shall provide subsequent notification service pursuant to Section 11105.2 of the Penal Code for applicants described in this subdivision.

(3) The Department of Justice shall charge a fee sufficient to cover the cost of processing the request described in this subdivision. The fee revenues shall be deposited in the Fingerprint Fee Account and shall, upon appropriation by the Legislature, be used by the department for the purposes of paying the costs associated with this subdivision.

(Amended by Stats. 2016, Ch. 793, Sec. 8. (AB 1751) Effective September 29, 2016.)