California Code
ARTICLE 7 - Records and Reports
Section 20230.

20230. (a) Data filed with the board by or on behalf of any member, retired member, beneficiary, or annuitant is confidential, and an individual record shall not be divulged by any official or employee having access to it to any person other than the following:

(1) The member, retired member, beneficiary, or annuitant to whom the information relates; their authorized representative; or upon written authorization by the member, retired member, beneficiary, or annuitant to whom the information relates.

(2) A contracting agency, county office of education, school district, community college district, the California State University, or the university, if the member, retired member, beneficiary, or annuitant is or was employed by that entity. A contracting agency, county office of education, school district, community college district, the California State University, or the university may also be provided with records that relate to the beneficiary of a member or retired member who is or was employed by the entity.

(3) Any state department or agency.

(4) Any other California public retirement system that either by statute or agreement provides reciprocal benefits to members of the system.

(b) The information shall be used by the board for the sole purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this part and Part 5 (commencing with Section 22750). Any information that is requested to which this section applies shall be treated as confidential and shall be used solely for retirement purposes, including, but not limited to, the administration and funding of retirement and health benefits, and related reporting and notice obligations.

(c) The gross amount of any benefit or any refund of a PERS contribution due to a member, retired member, or beneficiary under this part is not confidential and may be released upon request to the board.

(d) The board may seek reimbursement for reasonable administrative expenses incurred when providing information. Unless otherwise required by law, pursuant to a court order of competent jurisdiction, or except as provided by this section, a member’s, retired member’s, beneficiary’s, or annuitant’s address, home telephone number, or other personal information shall not be released.

(e) For purposes of this section:

(1) “Annuitant” has the meaning provided in Section 22760.

(2) “Authorized representative” includes a spouse or a beneficiary if a contrary appointment has not been made and when, in the opinion of the board, the member, retired member, beneficiary, or annuitant is prevented from appointing an authorized representative because of mental or physical incapacity or death.

(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 275, Sec. 24. (AB 2101) Effective January 1, 2021.)