California Code
ARTICLE 9 - Dental Hygienists
Section 1926.3.

1926.3. (a) Every person who is now or hereafter licensed as a registered dental hygienist in alternative practice in this state shall register with the executive officer, on forms prescribed by the dental hygiene board, the physical facility of registered dental hygienist in alternative practice or, if the registered dental hygienist in alternative practice has more than one physical facility pursuant to Section 1926.4, all of the physical facilities. If the registered dental hygienist in alternative practice does not have a physical facility, the registered dental hygienist in alternative practice shall notify the executive officer. A person licensed by the dental hygiene board shall register with the executive officer within 30 days after the date of the issuance of the person’s license as a registered dental hygienist in alternative practice.

(b) (1) A registered dental hygienist in alternative practice who utilizes portable equipment to practice dental hygiene shall register with the executive officer, on forms prescribed by the dental hygiene board, the registered dental hygienist in alternative practice’s physical facility where the portable equipment is maintained.

(2) The dental hygiene board may conduct announced and unannounced reviews and inspections of a registered dental hygienist in alternative practice’s physical facilities and equipment described in paragraph (1) to ensure continued compliance with the requirements for continued approval under this article.

(c) It shall constitute unprofessional conduct if the registered dental hygienist in alternative practice’s physical facility or equipment is found to be noncompliant with any requirements necessary for licensure and a registered dental hygienist in alternative practice may be placed on probation with terms, issued a citation and fine, or have the owned physical facility registration withdrawn if compliance is not demonstrated within reasonable timelines, as established by the dental hygiene board.

(d) The dental hygiene board, by itself or through an authorized representative, may issue a citation containing fines and orders of abatement to the registered dental hygienist in alternative practice for any violation of this section, Section 1925, Section 1926.4, or any regulations adopted thereunder. Any fine collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the State Dental Hygiene Fund established pursuant to Section 1944.

(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 491, Sec. 4. (SB 534) Effective January 1, 2022.)