California Code
CHAPTER 4 - Job Listing Services
Section 1812.518.

1812.518. (a) (1) A job listing service shall refund in full any advance fee paid and cancel any other obligation incurred by the jobseeker if the job listing service does not, within seven business days after execution of the contract, supply at least three employment opportunities then available to the jobseeker and meeting the specifications of the contract.

(2) A job listing service will be deemed to have supplied information meeting the specifications of the jobseeker if the information supplied meets the contract specifications with reference to: type of job; interests of jobseeker; qualifications of jobseeker; hours, salary, benefits, and other conditions of employment; location of job; and any other specifications expressly set forth in the contract.

(b) A job listing service shall refund any amount over and above a twenty-five dollar ($25) service charge and cancel any other obligation incurred by the jobseeker if the jobseeker does not obtain a job, or if employment, once obtained, lasts less than 90 days.

(c) A job listing service shall make all refunds required under this section within 10 days after the jobseeker requests such refund. Unless the refund is made within that time, the job listing service shall pay the jobseeker an additional sum equal to the amount of the deposit.

(Added by Stats. 1989, Ch. 704, Sec. 2.)