California Code
Section 1812.106.

1812.106. Every discount buying organization, before obtaining the signature of a potential buyer on any application or contract for discount buying services, shall provide to the buyer, and shall allow the buyer to retain, the following written disclosures:

(a) The exact nature of the services it provides, specifying the general categories of goods that are available at the discount buying organization’s place of business or warehouse, those categories of goods, if any, that must be ordered or obtained through stores to which the discount buying organization will refer the customer, and those categories of goods, if any, that must be ordered or obtained through the mail.

(b) A list, current within the previous 60 days, of at least 100 items that are sold by or through the organization or available to those who contract with the organization, identified by brand name, model, and total price including a reasonable estimate of freight charges, if any are to be imposed; a reasonable estimate of delivery charges, if any are to be imposed; a reasonable estimate of setup charges, if any are to be imposed; the discount buying organization’s price markup; and a reasonable estimate of any other charges the discount buying organization imposes. These items shall be reasonably representative as to the type of goods available. In lieu of providing this list, the discount buying organization shall provide and allow the buyer to retain a list of at least 100 items that were purchased by its members through the discount buying organization during the preceding 60 days. This list shall identify the items by brand name, model, and total selling price including freight charges, if any; delivery charges, if any; setup charges, if any; the discount buying organization’s price markup; and any other charges imposed by the discount buying organization, and shall be representative as to the type of goods sold and the prices charged for the listed goods sold during that period. If the maximum number of items available through a discount buying organization is fewer than 100 in number, it may comply with this section by furnishing a list of the total items available, identified as described above with a statement that those are the only goods presently available. Any list required by this subdivision shall state the date on which it was prepared.

(c) A statement of the discount buying organization’s policy with respect to warranties or guarantees on goods ordered, and the policy with respect to the return of ordered goods, cancellation of orders by the buyer, and refunds for cancellation or return.

(d) A description of any charges, such as freight charges, delivery charges, setup charges, seller’s markup, and any other charges that are incidental to the purchase of goods through the discount buying organization and are to be paid by the buyer. A disclosure of these costs in specific monetary amounts shall also be made on each order placed through the discount buying organization.

(e) If any stockholder, director, officer, or general or limited partner of the discount buying organization, as the case may be:

(1) Has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor or pleaded nolo contendere to a felony or misdemeanor charge, if the felony or misdemeanor involved fraud, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, misappropriation of property, or a violation of this title.

(2) Has been held liable in a civil action by final judgment or consented to the entry of a stipulated judgment if the civil action alleged fraud, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, or misappropriation of property, a violation of this title, the use of untrue or misleading representations in an attempt to sell or dispose of real or personal property, or the use of unfair, unlawful, or deceptive business practices.

(3) Is subject to any currently effective injunction or restrictive order relating to business activity as the result of an action brought by a public agency or department, including, but not limited to, an action affecting any vocational license, a statement so stating, and including the name of the court, the date of the conviction, judgment, order, or injunction and, if applicable, the name of the governmental agency that filed the action resulting in the conviction, judgment, order, or injunction.

(Amended by Stats. 2006, Ch. 538, Sec. 50. Effective January 1, 2007.)