California Code
CHAPTER 5 - Sales and Escrows
Section 18037.5.

18037.5. (a)  In the event of default under the provisions of any security agreement relating to a loan or conditional sale contract which, according to its terms, gives the secured party the right to foreclose its security interest in a manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home subject to registration under this part which is not inventory of a dealer, including the right to repossess the property, notwithstanding any contrary provisions in the security agreement or conditional sale contract or in any other agreement entered into prior to default, the secured party may foreclose its security interest only by satisfying the requirements of this section.

(1)  Unless the registered owner of the manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home has abandoned the property or has voluntarily surrendered possession of the property to the foreclosing creditor, the foreclosing creditor shall deposit or cause to be deposited in the United States mail an envelope addressed to each registered owner as shown on the current registration of the manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home, registered or certified with postage prepaid, containing a notice in substantially the following form and in at least 10-point type, which notice shall be signed by the foreclosing creditor:


To: _____ (names of all registered owners) _____

You (if the registered owner is not the person who is in default, substitute name of defaulting person(s)) are in default under the terms of the

_____ (identify security agreement by title or caption and date) _____

in that _____ (describe default) _____ .

This default gives the creditor named below the right to sell your manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home which is registered with the Department of Housing and Community Development under registration number(s)

_____ (give registration number(s)) _____ , located at  

_____ (give location of property as shown on current registration) _____

unless the default is promptly cured.

You may cure the default by  _____ (describe conditions _____

_____ precedent to reinstatement required to cure default) _____

or by entirely repaying the outstanding secured indebtedness on or before

(state final date available for cure, which date shall be no earlier than 45 days after mailing of the notice)

To cure the default you may also be required to reimburse the creditor for its reasonable attorney’s fees and legal expenses and for any other sums to which the creditor may have become entitled under the terms of your credit agreement after the date of this notice. You may entirely repay the outstanding obligation by paying the creditor

(state dollar amount required to obtain release of security interest, and if the amount may increase due to passage of time, state that fact)

plus any amount necessary to reimburse the creditor for its reasonable attorney’s fees and legal expenses and any other sums to which the creditor may have become entitled after the date of this notice under the terms of your agreement.

(2)  Within five days following the mailing of the notice of default required by paragraph (1), the foreclosing creditor shall forward a copy thereof to the legal owner shown on the current registration card, if different than the foreclosing creditor, and to each junior lienholder shown on the current registration card, if different than the foreclosing creditor, and, effective July 1, 1985, to the department. The notice shall be forwarded to each party in the same manner as provided for mailing the original notice to the registered owner.

(3)  In the event of default under the provisions of any security agreement relating to a loan or conditional sale contract which, according to its terms, gives the secured party the right to foreclose its security interest in a manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home, each registered owner and each junior lienholder having a security interest which is subordinate to the security interest of the foreclosing creditor shall have the right to cure the default by the methods and in the manner prescribed in the notice within 45 days after mailing of the notice to the registered owner required by paragraph (1).

(4)  If the default is not cured within the time indicated on the notice required by paragraph (1), or if the property has been abandoned by the registered owner or voluntarily surrendered by the registered owner to the foreclosing creditor, the creditor may proceed to sell the property at private or public sale pursuant to the provisions of Section 9610 of the Commercial Code, except as provided in paragraph (5) and subdivision (c). The notice of sale required by Sections 9610, 9611, 9617, 9618, and 9624 of the Commercial Code shall not be mailed or delivered before expiration of the period for the right to cure the default, as stated in the notice required by paragraph (1), unless the property has been abandoned by the registered owner or voluntarily surrendered by the registered owner to the foreclosing creditor.

(5)  Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of Sections 9610, 9611, 9615, 9617, 9618, and 9624 of the Commercial Code, the foreclosing creditor shall deposit or cause to be deposited in the United States mail, registered or certified with postage prepaid, an envelope containing the notice of sale addressed to each party to whom the notice of default was mailed pursuant to paragraph (2). The notice of sale shall be given at least 10 days before the date fixed for a public sale or on or after which any private sale is to be made.

(6)  For purposes of this subdivision, a manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home shall be deemed abandoned if the foreclosing creditor gives written notice of its belief of abandonment to the registered owner as provided in this paragraph and the registered owner fails to give the foreclosing creditor written notice, prior to the appropriate date specified in the foreclosing creditor’s notice, stating that the registered owner has not abandoned and does not intend to abandon the manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home and stating an address at which the registered owner may be served by certified mail with a summons in connection with any legal action which the foreclosing creditor may appropriately initiate. The foreclosing creditor may give a notice of belief of abandonment only where it reasonably believes that the registered owner has abandoned the manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home. The notice of belief of abandonment shall be personally delivered to the registered owner or sent by registered or certified mail, with postage prepaid, to the registered owner at his or her last known address and, if there is reason to believe that the notice sent to that address will not be received by the registered owner, to any other address, if any, known to the foreclosing creditor where the registered owner may reasonably be expected to receive the notice. The notice of belief of abandonment shall be in substantially the following form in at least 10-point type:



(names of all registered owners)

This notice is given pursuant to Section 18037.5 of the Health and Safety Code concerning your manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home located at


(address of manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home as shown on current registration)


(if the registered owner is not the person who is in default, substitute name of defaulting person(s))

are in default under the terms of the

(identify security agreement or conditional sale contract by title or caption and date)

in that


(describe default)

This default gives the foreclosing creditor named below the right to sell your manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home which is registered with the Department of Housing and Community Development under number(s)

(give registration number(s))

unless the default is promptly cured. Unless the foreclosing credi­tor receives a written notice from you to the contrary by


(insert a date not less than 15 days after this notice is served personally or, if mailed, not less than 18 days after this notice is deposited in the mail)

your manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home will be deemed abandoned, which means that the foreclosing creditor may sell your manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home sooner than would otherwise be per­mitted by law. The written notice you must send to the foreclosing creditor shall be sent to

(address of foreclosing creditor)

and shall state both of the following:

1. Your intent not to abandon the manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home.

2. An address at which you may be served by certified mail with a summons in connection with any legal action which the foreclosing creditor may appropriately initiate.


To: _____ (names of all registered owners) _____

This notice is given pursuant to Section 18037.5 of the Health and Safety Code concerning your manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home located at

(address of manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home as shown on current registration)


(if the registered owner is not the person who is in default, substitute name of defaulting person(s))

are in default under the terms of the

(identify security agreement or conditional sale contract by title or caption and date)

in that (describe default).

This default gives the foreclosing creditor named below the right to sell your manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home which is registered with the Department of Housing and Community Development under number(s)

_____ (give registration number(s)) _____

unless the default is promptly cured. Unless the foreclosing creditor receives a written notice from you to the contrary by


(insert a date not less than 15 days after this notice is served personally or, if mailed, not less than 18 days after this notice is deposited in the mail)

your manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home will be deemed abandoned, which means that the foreclosing creditor may sell your manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home sooner than would otherwise be per­mitted by law. The written notice you must send to the foreclosing creditor shall be sent to

_____ (address of foreclosing creditor) _____

and shall state both of the following:

1. Your intent not to abandon the manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home.

2. An address at which you may be served by certified mail with a summons in connection with any legal action which the foreclosing creditor may appropriately initiate.

(name of foreclosing creditor)

(signature of foreclosing creditor)

(b)  In the event of default under the provisions of any security agreement relating to a loan or a conditional sale contract in which the collateral is a manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home subject to registration under this part which is inventory of a dealer or a commercial coach, the secured party may repossess and dispose of the collateral in accordance with the provisions of the security agreement or conditional sale contract and applicable law, including the provisions of Division 9 (commencing with Section 9101) of the Commercial Code. Upon repossession of a manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home subject to registration under this part which is inventory of a dealer or a commercial coach subject to registration under this part, the secured creditor shall prepare and forward to the department a notice of repossession on the form prescribed by the department.

(c)  The proceeds of the sale of a manufactured home, mobilehome, commercial coach, truck camper, or floating home shall be applied, in the following order, to:

(1)  The reasonable and necessary expenses incurred for preparing for and conducting the sale and, if the foreclosing creditor has obtained possession of the collateral prior to the disposition, the reasonable and necessary expenses for the retaking and holding of the collateral and to the extent provided for in the agreement and not prohibited by law, reasonable attorney’s fees and legal expenses incurred by the foreclosing creditor in retaking the property from any person not a party to the credit contract.

(2)  The satisfaction of the indebtedness secured by the security interest of the foreclosing creditor under which the disposition is made.

(3)  The satisfaction of indebtedness secured by any subordinate liens or encumbrances on the property in the order of their priority as provided in Section 18105, if with respect to a junior creditor written notification of demand therefor is received before distribution of the proceeds is completed, and to the satisfaction of any subordinate attachment lien or execution lien pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 701.040 of the Code of Civil Procedure if notice of the levy of attachment or execution is received before distribution of the proceeds is completed. If requested by the foreclosing creditor, the holder of a subordinate lien or encumbrance shall furnish reasonable proof of his or her interest, and unless it does so, the foreclosing creditor need not comply with its demand.

(4)  The satisfaction of indebtedness secured by all senior liens or encumbrances in the order of their priority as provided in Section 18105, if with respect to a senior creditor written demand therefor is received by the foreclosing creditor before distribution of the proceeds is completed. If requested by the foreclosing creditor, the holder of a senior lien or encumbrance shall furnish reasonable proof of his or her interest, and unless he or she does so, the foreclosing creditor need not comply with his or her demand.

(5)  To the registered owner within 45 days after the sale is conducted if a surplus remains.

(d)  Unless automatically provided to the registered owner within 45 days after the sale of a manufactured home, mobilehome, truck camper, or floating home if a request for an accounting is made within one year of the sale, the foreclosing creditor shall provide to the registered owner a written accounting containing the gross sales proceeds and its allocation pursuant to subdivision (c). In the event any surplus is paid to the registered owner pursuant to paragraph (5) of subdivision (c), the foreclosing creditor shall furnish such an accounting whether or not requested by the registered owner.

(Amended by Stats. 1999, Ch. 991, Sec. 49. Effective January 1, 2000. Operative July 1, 2001, by Sec. 75 of Ch. 991.)