California Code
CHAPTER 2 - Powers and Duties
Section 15554.

15554. The secretary has the power of general supervision over, and is directly responsible to the Governor for, the operations of each department, office, and unit within the agency. The secretary may issue those orders as the secretary deems appropriate to exercise any power or jurisdiction, or to assume or discharge any responsibility, or to carry out or effect any of the purposes vested by law in any department in the agency. However, except with respect to the Workforce Investment Board, nothing in this part authorizes the secretary to exercise any power or jurisdiction, or assume or discharge any responsibility related to the administration of the state Compensation Insurance Fund, or to investigation, adjudication, rulemaking, or legal representation that is vested by other provisions of law exclusively in any board, commission, council, or other appointive multimember body that is organizationally located within the Labor and Workforce Development Agency or within any of its departments.

(Added by Stats. 2002, Ch. 859, Sec. 8. Effective January 1, 2003.)