California Code
ARTICLE 2 - Traffic Congestion Relief Fund
Section 14556.8.

14556.8. (a) (1) To the extent necessary to provide adequate cash to fund projected expenditures under this chapter, the Director of Finance may authorize, by executive order, the transfer of not more than one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000), as an interest free loan, from the Motor Vehicle Account in the State Transportation Fund to the TCRF, and the transfer of any available funds, as an interest free loan, from the General Fund to the TCRF. Loans from the Motor Vehicle Account may be made no sooner than July 1, 2004, and shall be repaid no later than July 1, 2007. The Director of Finance shall not authorize a loan from the Motor Vehicle Account, and shall promptly require the repayment of any outstanding balance owed to that account, if the funds are needed in the account to make expenditures authorized in the annual Budget Act and by any other appropriations made by the Legislature.

(2) To provide cash needed for expenditures on projects listed in Section 14556.40, the Legislature may authorize loans from the Public Transportation Account or the State Highway Account to the TCRF through the annual Budget Act. The Legislature may also authorize the State Highway Account to expend funds on behalf of projects listed in Section 14556.40 and those expenditures shall constitute a loan to the TCRF. Loans from the Public Transportation Account shall not exceed a cumulative total of two hundred eighty million dollars ($280,000,000), and loans from the State Highway Account shall not exceed a cumulative total of six hundred fifty-four million dollars ($654,000,000).

(b) The Director of Finance shall order the repayment of the loans authorized under this section under those terms and conditions that the director deems appropriate, upon determining that there are adequate funds available for that purpose in the TCRF and that repayment will not jeopardize the availability of money needed to fund approved and projected expenditures under this chapter. All loans from the Public Transportation Account and the State Highway Account shall be repaid at the time the TCRF is repaid pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (c). Upon the request of the commission or the Director of Finance, the department shall provide a report, for purposes of this subdivision, projecting the cash needs of the projects approved under this chapter.

(c) (1) Money in the TCRF derived from the General Fund and not currently needed for expenditures on the projects listed in Section 14556.40 may be loaned to the General Fund through the annual Budget Act.

(2) Upon making a determination that funds in the TCRF are not adequate to support expected cash expenditures for the listed projects, the Director of Finance, by executive order, shall require that funds loaned to the General Fund under paragraph (1) be repaid to the TCRF. All these loans shall be repaid upon the sale of bonds authorized by Article 6.5 (commencing with Section 63048.6) of Chapter 2 of Division 1 of Title 6.7. If the proceeds from those bonds are insufficient to repay the funds loaned to the General Fund under paragraph (1), the remaining amount of those loans shall be repaid from future tribal gaming revenues, additional securitizations against those revenues, or from the General Fund.

(3) Interest at the rate earned by the Surplus Money Investment Fund shall be paid to the TCRF from the General Fund with respect to the cumulative amount loaned from the State Highway Account to the TCRF pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) that is in excess of one hundred eighty million dollars ($180,000,000). The amount of this interest obligation shall be calculated annually on the balance of this portion of this outstanding loan amount. All interest on the loan shall be paid in full at the time the TCRF is repaid pursuant to paragraph (2), and the interest payment shall be transferred from the TCRF to the State Highway Account.

(d) Funds loaned to the TCRF under this section shall be used for purposes consistent with any restrictions on uses of those funds imposed under the California Constitution or by statute. The department shall identify specific projects to which those funds may properly be applied and shall propose that application of funds to the commission. The commission shall designate projects to receive those funds through the processes described in Article 3 (commencing with Section 14556.10) and Article 4 (commencing with Section 14556.25). The department shall report periodically to the commission and the Department of Finance on the expenditure of those funds.

(e) As long as loan balances authorized by this section are outstanding, the Director of Transportation shall report to the commission the amounts of loans outstanding with respect to each fund or account as of the last business day of each quarter.

(f) This section shall become inoperative upon full repayment of loans authorized by this section, and shall be repealed on January 1 of the following year.

(Amended by Stats. 2008, Ch. 756, Sec. 7. Effective September 30, 2008. Inoperative on date prescribed by its own provisions. Repealed on January 1 after inoperative date, by its own provisions.)