California Code
CHAPTER 6 - Transactions and Use Taxes
Section 142258.

142258. (a) Except as otherwise provided by Section 142260, the transportation planning agency may amend the expenditure plan. The transportation planning agency, at a minimum, shall review biennially and assess the needs for transportation improvements contained in the expenditure plan as specified in Section 142255. As part of this review and assessment, the transportation planning agency may solicit proposals for transportation improvements from the Department of Transportation and the cities and the county. The transportation planning agency shall adopt a procedure for evaluating these proposals in consultation with the Department of Transportation and the cities and the county.

(b) Based on the evaluation, the transportation planning agency shall prepare an updated plan for the expenditure of the revenues expected to be derived from the retail transactions and use tax imposed pursuant to this chapter, together with other federal, state, and local improvements, for the period during which the tax is imposed. The first five years of the plan shall be incorporated into the transportation planning agency’s annual submission to the California Transportation Commission for the state transportation improvement program pursuant to Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 65080) of Division 1 of Title 7 of the Government Code.

(c) The expenditure plan shall also include projections of revenues likely to be available from other federal, state, and local funds expected to be available for expenditure plan transportation improvements for the period during which the tax is imposed.

(d) Before adoption of an expenditure plan, the transportation planning agency shall conduct public hearings on the plan.

(Amended by Stats. 2001, Ch. 474, Sec. 15. Effective January 1, 2002. Repealed on date prescribed in Section 142010.)