14184.600. (a) As a component of the CalAIM initiative, on and after July 1, 2022, the department, in consultation with representatives of county welfare departments and other affected stakeholders, shall develop and make publicly available a dashboard that reflects each county’s performance in meeting the measures established pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 14154 and Section 14154.5.
(b) During the CalAIM term, subject to subdivision (f) of Section 14184.102, the department, in consultation with counties and other affected stakeholders, shall develop and implement all of the following initiatives to enhance oversight and monitoring of county administration of the California Children’s Services (CCS) program, pursuant to Article 5 (commencing with Section 123800) of Chapter 3 of Part 2 of Division 106 of the Health and Safety Code:
(1) Establish statewide performance, reporting, and budgetary standards, and accompanying audit tools, used to assess county compliance with federal and state requirements applicable to the CCS program.
(2) Conduct periodic CCS quality assurance reviews and audits to assess compliance with the standards established in paragraph (1).
(3) Assess each CCS program to ensure appropriate allocation of resources necessary for compliance with standards, policies, guidelines, performance, and compliance requirements.
(4) Determine and implement a process to inform each CCS program of, and make available on its internet website, the latest standards, policies, guidelines, and new performance and compliance requirements imposed pursuant to this section.
(5) Establish a statewide, tiered enforcement framework to ensure prompt corrective action for counties that do not meet standards established in paragraph (1), including providing technical assistance to counties on measures where performance is consistently below expectations and on any issues that may be identified to create a continuous quality improvement process prior to the imposition of fiscal penalties.
(6) Require each county to enter into memoranda of understanding with the department to document each county’s obligations in administering the CCS program.
(c) During the CalAIM term, the department shall convene a workgroup consisting of counties and other applicable stakeholders to develop and implement one or more initiatives designed to improve the collection and use of beneficiary demographic and contact information in administering the Medi-Cal program and other applicable public assistance programs.
(Added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 143, Sec. 402. (AB 133) Effective July 27, 2021.)