California Code
CHAPTER 4 - State Agency Greenhouse Gas Reduction Report Card
Section 12893.1.

12893.1. (a) (1) The Labor and Workforce Development Agency and the California Workforce Development Board shall oversee a stakeholder process to support the development of findings and recommendations on how to best mitigate the employment impacts of automation at the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach. To help inform the stakeholder process, an industry panel is hereby created in the agency.

(2) The California Workforce Development Board may contract with University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) Labor Center to perform the actions described in subdivision (e).

(b) (1) The industry panel shall consist of the following members:

(A) Eight members appointed by the Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development as follows:

(i) Three members from employee unions that represent marine cargo handlers at the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach.

(ii) Three members who are representatives of marine cargo employers operating at the Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach.

(iii) The Executive Director of the Port of Los Angeles or the executive director’s designee.

(iv) The Executive Director of the Port of Long Beach or the executive director’s designee.

(B) One member appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly with experience in education, training, and workforce development.

(C) One member appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules with experience in education, training, and workforce development.

(2) Each member shall be appointed to a term of three years. A member who fails to attend two industry panel meetings in one calendar year shall be deemed removed from the industry panel, and the appointing power for that member shall appoint a new member to fill the vacancy.

(3) Industry panel members shall not receive per diem or other similar compensation for serving as an industry panel member.

(c) The industry panel shall invite stakeholders and subject matter experts to participate in the stakeholder process, including port districts, public agencies, labor organizations, shipping companies, marine-oriented trade associations, nonprofit organizations, and education, training, and workforce development entities. As appropriate, the costs of the industry panel and the stakeholder process may be reduced by in-kind or other contributions from third parties.

(d) (1) During the process, representatives from the Labor and Workforce Development Agency and from the California Workforce Development Board, and members of the industry panel shall consider issues including, but not limited to, employment impacts that result from the use of automated technology, including the impact on individuals employed by public and private sector entities supporting port activities and living in communities adjacent to the ports.

(2) The first meeting of the stakeholder process shall be held on or before 90 days after the funding becomes available for the purposes of this section.

(e) The UCLA Labor Center may commission expert research and testimony to supplement the stakeholder process and support the development of findings and recommendations pursuant to this section.

(f) The industry panel shall provide an annual update of the stakeholder process at a regularly scheduled meeting of the California Workforce Development Board.

(g) Upon completion of the stakeholder process, but by no later than July 1, 2023, the Labor and Workforce Development Agency and the California Workforce Development Board shall issue findings and recommendations on the most effective ways to implement policies and programs to mitigate the employment impacts of automation and the transitioning of seaport operations to low- and zero-emission operations on workers and individuals living in communities adjacent to the ports.

(h) This section shall be implemented upon appropriation by the Legislature of funds for purposes of this section.

(i) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2024, and as of that date is repealed.

(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 124, Sec. 30. (AB 938) Effective January 1, 2022. Repealed as of January 1, 2024, by its own provisions.)