California Code
CHAPTER 11.6 - Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operation
Section 114367.6.

114367.6. (a) An internet food service intermediary that lists or promotes a microenterprise home kitchen operation on its internet website or mobile application shall meet all of the following requirements:

(1) Be registered with the department. A registration, once issued, is nontransferable. A registration shall be valid only for the person and type of business specified by that registration, and unless suspended or revoked for cause by the department.

(2) Prior to the listing or publication of a microenterprise home kitchen operation’s offer of food for sale, clearly and conspicuously post on its internet website or mobile application the requirements for the permitting of a microenterprise home kitchen specified in this chapter, which shall be written at the high school level and be provided by the department.

(3) Clearly and conspicuously post on its internet website or mobile application the fees associated with using its platform and fees associated with third-party delivery service pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 114367.5 in a manner that allows both the consumer and the microenterprise home kitchen operation to see and understand the amount being charged for the services provided by the internet food service intermediary. The internet food service intermediary shall notify the microenterprise home kitchen operation of any changes to these fees exceeding a 2-percent increase in writing and no later than one month before the changes take effect.

(4) Clearly and conspicuously post on its internet website or mobile application whether or not it has liability insurance that would cover any incidence arising from the sale or consumption of food listed or promoted on its internet website or mobile application.

(5) Provide a dedicated field on its platform for a microenterprise home kitchen operation to post the permit number and the name of the enforcement agency that issued the permit.

(6) Clearly and conspicuously post on its internet website or mobile application how a consumer can contact the internet food service intermediary through its internet website or mobile application if the consumer has a food safety or hygiene complaint and a link to the department’s internet website that contains information for how to file a complaint with the enforcement agency.

(7) Submit the name and permit number of a microenterprise home kitchen operation to the enforcement agency that issued the permit to the microenterprise home kitchen operation if the internet food service intermediary receives, through its internet website or mobile application, three or more unrelated individual food safety or hygiene complaints in a calendar year from consumers that have made a purchase through its internet website or mobile application. The internet food service intermediary shall submit this information to the enforcement agency within two weeks of the third complaint received.

(8) If it is notified by the enforcement agency of significant food safety related complaints from a verified consumer that has made a purchase through its internet website or mobile application, submit to the enforcement agency the name and permit number of the microenterprise home kitchen operation where the food was purchased, and a list of consumers who purchased food on the same day from that microenterprise home kitchen operation through its internet website or mobile application.

(9) Prior to the listing or publication of a microenterprise home kitchen operation’s offer of food for sale, obtain consent from the microenterprise home kitchen operation to make the disclosures to government entities required pursuant to this section.

(10) Shall not permit the use of the word “catering” or any variation of that word in a listing or publication of a microenterprise home kitchen operation’s offer of food for sale.

(11) Shall not use, or knowingly facilitate the use of, a third-party delivery service for food produced by the microenterprise home kitchen operation, except as authorized pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 114367.5.

(b) For purposes of this chapter, an “internet food service intermediary” means an entity that provides a platform on its internet website or mobile application through which a microenterprise home kitchen operation may choose to offer food for sale and from which the internet food service intermediary derives revenues, including, but not limited to, revenues from advertising and fees for services offered to a microenterprise home kitchen operation. Services offered by an internet food service intermediary to a microenterprise home kitchen operation may include, but are not limited to, allowing a microenterprise home kitchen operation to advertise its food for sale and providing a means for potential consumers to arrange payment for the food, whether the consumer pays directly to the microenterprise home kitchen operation or to the internet food service intermediary. Merely publishing an advertisement for the microenterprise home kitchen operation or food cooked therein does not make the publisher an internet food service intermediary.

(c) (1) A microenterprise home kitchen operation that advertises to the public, including, but not limited to, advertising by website, internet, social media platform, newspaper, newsletter, or other public announcement, shall include all of the following within the advertisement:

(A) Name of the enforcement agency that issued the permit.

(B) Permit number.

(C) Statement that the food prepared is “Made in a Home Kitchen” in a clear and conspicuous font and location within a written advertisement and an audible and comprehensible manner in a verbal advertisement.

(2) A microenterprise home kitchen operation shall not use the word “catering” or any variation of that word in an advertisement relating to the microenterprise home kitchen operation’s offer of food for sale.

(Amended by Stats. 2019, Ch. 536, Sec. 9. (AB 377) Effective October 7, 2019.)