California Code
ARTICLE 5 - Aid to Families With Dependent Children Foster Care
Section 11401.1.

11401.1. (a) Otherwise eligible children placed voluntarily prior to January 1, 1981, may remain eligible for AFDC-FC payments.

(b) Beginning on January 1, 1982, AFDC-FC payments for children placed voluntarily on or after January 1, 1981, shall be limited to a period of up to 180 days under conditions specified by departmental regulations, and may be extended an additional six months pursuant to Section 16507.3 and departmental regulations.

(c) On and after January 1, 2012, AFDC-FC payments for nonminor dependents, who reentered foster care placement by signing a voluntary reentry agreement pursuant to subdivision (z) of Section 11400, shall be limited to a period not to exceed 180 days. The county child welfare services department or probation department shall file a petition pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 388 within 15 judicial days of the signing of the agreement to have the nonminor declared a nonminor dependent of the juvenile court in that reentry and remaining in foster care is in the best interests of the nonminor.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 459, Sec. 31. (AB 212) Effective October 4, 2011.)