11382.5. All controlled substances in Schedules I, II, III, IV, and V, in solid or capsule form, except for such controlled substances in the possession or inventory of a wholesaler, retailer, or pharmacist on January 1, 1975, shall not be sold, furnished, or distributed in this state unless they have on the controlled substance if in solid form, or on the capsule if in capsule form, an identifying device, insignia, or mark of the manufacturer of such controlled substance. However, the exception for such controlled substances in the possession or inventory of a wholesaler, retailer, or pharmacist shall not be available to any wholesaler, retailer, or pharmacist under the control or jurisdiction of a manufacturer of controlled substances.
This section shall not apply to a pharmacist who, in accordance with applicable state law, compounds such controlled substance in the course of his practice as a pharmacist for direct dispensing by him upon a prescription of any person licensed to prescribe such controlled substances.
(Added by Stats. 1974, Ch. 926.)
Structure California Code