California Code
ARTICLE 2 - Eligibility for Aid
Section 11250.4.

11250.4. Aid under this chapter shall not be payable to an assistance unit if a caretaker relative is, on the last day of the month, participating in a strike, unless the strike is necessitated by an imminent health and safety hazard or abnormally dangerous working conditions at the place of employment as determined by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health, or a lockout as defined in Section 1132.8 of the Labor Code. For the purposes of this section, a strike necessitated by an imminent health and safety hazard or abnormally dangerous working condition shall last only so long as necessitated by the imminent hazard or abnormally dangerous working condition. If an individual other than a caretaker relative is participating in a strike, as defined in this section, on the last day of the month, subject to the exceptions and their limitations set forth in this section, that individual’s needs shall not be included in determining the amount of aid payable to the assistance unit for the month during which the individual is participating in the strike on the last day of that month.

(Amended by Stats. 1998, Ch. 902, Sec. 19. Effective January 1, 1999.)