California Code
ARTICLE 2 - California Cradle-to-Career Data System
Section 10867.

10867. (a) The managing entity shall implement and manage the data system based on the direction set by the governing board.

(b) The managing entity shall be responsible for all of the following:

(1) Supporting the governing board, advisory boards, and data providers, including, but not limited to, all of the following:

(A) Staffing the governing board, advisory boards, and associated meetings and processes.

(B) Supporting the development and updating of the governance manual.

(C) Onboarding new data providers, in partnership with the governing board chairperson.

(D) Supporting the development of regulations and policies required to implement this chapter.

(E) Providing analysis and recommendations, as necessary and appropriate, regarding all of the following:

(i) Data points.

(ii) Analytical and operational tools.

(iii) Professional development, technical assistance, and communication plans.

(F) Escalating issues regarding compliance, technical infrastructure, and data system implementation to the governing board, as appropriate and necessary for the furtherance of this chapter.

(2) Managing administrative functions of the data system, including, but not limited to, all of the following:

(A) Developing annual work plans, budget requests, and operational budgets.

(B) Overseeing personnel and compensation, except for the appointment and compensation of the executive officer pursuant to Section 10866.

(C) Ensuring regular reporting and external evaluations of the efficacy of the data system in fulfilling its purpose.

(D) Entering into contracts and agreements, as needed to further this chapter.

(3) Managing the technical infrastructure for analytical tools, including, but not limited to, doing all of the following:

(A) Creating, procuring, managing, securing, and maintaining the infrastructure necessary to compile, match, store, access, and visualize information from data providers.

(B) Creating data sets tailored to processes approved by the governing board.

(C) Ensuring both of the following:

(i) The availability, reliability, and performance of the technical infrastructure.

(ii) Data privacy and security in accordance with state and federal law.

(4) Implementing public educator- and researcher-facing tools and supporting their use by, including, but not limited to, doing all of the following:

(A) Leading user-centered design and testing processes.

(B) Providing information to the public using, among other tools, dashboards, query builders, and research libraries.

(C) Providing information and resources that do both of the following:

(i) Fosters evidence-based decisionmaking, strengthens analytical capacity to use available data tools, and enables users to understand structural factors that influence outcomes.

(ii) Takes into account the needs of various users.

(D) Engaging users by providing an ongoing channel for public input about the data system.

(E) Providing neutral written summaries of information available through the data system related to the public good and fostering equitable opportunities and outcomes.

(F) Monitoring and taking into account best practices related to longitudinal data systems, including participating in intrastate, interstate, and national data collection and policy efforts.

(5) Scaling, expanding, operating, and maintaining operational tools, including, but not limited to, by doing all of the following:

(A) Conducting an annual student experience audit related to navigating the transition from secondary education to higher education.

(B) Addressing the requirements of paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of Section 69432.9 relating to submitting pupil grade point averages for the purpose of evaluating eligibility for state and federal student financial aid.

(C) Entering into a memorandum of understanding with the CCGI to deliver college planning and transition tools, which may include integrating college admissions and student financial aid applications and other integrations that streamline processes for students.

(D) Entering into a memorandum of understanding with eTranscript California to deliver electronic transcripts and verification of eligibility for social services.

(E) Within five years of the operative date of the act that adds this section, assessing the feasibility of subsuming the operation of operational tools that are currently administered by other agencies, and reporting findings to the governing board, the Legislature, and the Governor. The report to the Legislature shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.

(6) Providing training and technical assistance, including, but not limited to, all of the following:

(A) Developing and curating all necessary technical documentation and resources to facilitate data submission.

(B) Ensuring that all data-enabled tools are used by the intended audiences.

(C) Promoting and training related to data literacy for use of the analytical tools.

(7) Supporting data requests, among other activities, including, but not limited to, all of the following:

(A) Determining if the content and the purpose of the request is sufficiently clear.

(B) Aligning the request with available data and tools and advising the requestor of other similar analyses that have been conducted using the data system.

(C) Advising the requestor on how best to access the information.

(D) Determining and advising the requestor as to whether there are any legal impediments to the request, and supporting the requestor to identify legally appropriate options.

(E) Coordinating the execution of legal agreements with data providers.

(F) Contracting with the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects for the California Health and Human Services Agency to serve as the institutional review board regarding the use of personally identifiable information.

(G) Facilitating the timely resolution of concerns and the provision of data.

(H) Ensuring that the data request process is accessible and transparent. This includes making the criteria for requests, the status for requests, and written responses to any requests that have been denied, publicly available and posted in a prominent location on the data system’s internet website.

(8) Improving data quality by, among other activities, including, but not limited to, doing all of the following:

(A) Coordinating issues related to data points and definitions to ensure the quality and reliability of source data provided by the data providers.

(B) Consulting with the Chief Data Officer and data providers to identify standards that would improve the ability to share data across systems.

(C) Regularly reviewing the efficacy and usability of tools, reports, and the user interface.

(D) Working with the advisory boards established pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 10865 to identify data points with data quality questions.

(9) Ensuring routine and ongoing compliance with all applicable federal, state, and data provider specific laws and regulations.

(10) Seeking opportunities to increase government efficiency that may include identifying duplications of effort across state agencies and public education systems, and identifying opportunities for clearer or more consistent messaging to students and families related to education pathways and transitions.

(Added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 144, Sec. 8. (AB 132) Effective July 27, 2021.)