California Code
ARTICLE 1 - Cradle-to-Career Data System Workgroup
Section 10854.

10854. (a) (1) On or before July 15, 2019, the executive director of the state board shall designate a representative to serve on the workgroup.

(2) On or before July 15, 2019, the State Department of Education shall designate representatives, including one representative from the divisions responsible for early learning activities and educational data reporting, for a total of no more than three representatives, to serve on the workgroup.

(3) On or before July 15, 2019, the following entities shall each designate one representative to serve on the workgroup:

(A) The Office of the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges.

(B) The University of California.

(C) The California State University.

(D) The Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

(E) The executive director of the Student Aid Commission on behalf of the commission.

(F) The Employment Development Department.

(G) The Labor and Workforce Development Agency.

(H) The California Health and Human Services Agency.

(I) The State Department of Social Services.

(J) The Department of Technology.

(K) The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education.

(4) On or before July 15, 2019, the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities shall designate one representative to serve on the workgroup.

(5) On or before July 15, 2019, California School Information Services shall designate one representative to serve on the workgroup.

(6) Each of the entities listed in paragraphs (3) to (5), inclusive, shall also bring an appropriate data expert to consult with the workgroup.

(7) In meeting the requirements of paragraph (3), the Labor and Workforce Development Agency may designate its representative from an appropriate department overseen by the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, provided that it does not designate another representative from the Employment Development Department.

(8) In meeting the requirements of paragraph (3), the California Health and Human Services Agency may designate its representative from an appropriate department overseen by the California Health and Human Services Agency, provided that it does not designate another representative from the State Department of Social Services.

(b) Each entity with a representative serving on the workgroup pursuant to subdivision (a) other than the University of California shall, and the University of California is requested to, collaborate with its respective constituents and represent its field and stakeholders in performing workgroup functions. For purposes of this subdivision, constituents and stakeholders may include, but are not limited to, potential end users of the data system and individuals impacted by the programs or services about which data may be collected within the data system.

(c) Once established, the workgroup shall adopt, with the approval of the director, conflict-of-interest guidelines that prohibit a member from advocating for an expenditure or recommendation in which the member has a professional or economic interest.

(Added by Stats. 2019, Ch. 51, Sec. 14. (SB 75) Effective July 1, 2019.)