California Code
CHAPTER 6 - Groundwater Sustainability Plans
Section 10727.2.

10727.2. A groundwater sustainability plan shall include all of the following:

(a) A description of the physical setting and characteristics of the aquifer system underlying the basin that includes the following:

(1) Historical data, to the extent available.

(2) Groundwater levels, groundwater quality, subsidence, and groundwater-surface water interaction.

(3) A general discussion of historical and projected water demands and supplies.

(4) A map that details the area of the basin and the boundaries of the groundwater sustainability agencies that overlie the basin that have or are developing groundwater sustainability plans.

(5) A map identifying existing and potential recharge areas for the basin. The map or maps shall identify the existing recharge areas that substantially contribute to the replenishment of the groundwater basin. The map or maps shall be provided to the appropriate local planning agencies after adoption of the groundwater sustainability plan.

(b) (1) Measurable objectives, as well as interim milestones in increments of five years, to achieve the sustainability goal in the basin within 20 years of the implementation of the plan.

(2) A description of how the plan helps meet each objective and how each objective is intended to achieve the sustainability goal for the basin for long-term beneficial uses of groundwater.

(3) (A) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), at the request of the groundwater sustainability agency, the department may grant an extension of up to 5 years beyond the 20-year sustainability timeframe upon a showing of good cause. The department may grant a second extension of up to five years upon a showing of good cause if the groundwater sustainability agency has begun implementation of the work plan described in clause (iii) of subparagraph (B).

(B) The department may grant an extension pursuant to this paragraph if the groundwater sustainability agency does all of the following:

(i) Demonstrates a need for an extension.

(ii) Has made progress toward meeting the sustainability goal as demonstrated by its progress at achieving the milestones identified in its groundwater sustainability plan.

(iii) Adopts a feasible work plan for meeting the sustainability goal during the extension period.

(4) The plan may, but is not required to, address undesirable results that occurred before, and have not been corrected by, January 1, 2015. Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, a groundwater sustainability agency has discretion as to whether to set measurable objectives and the timeframes for achieving any objectives for undesirable results that occurred before, and have not been corrected by, January 1, 2015.

(c) A planning and implementation horizon.

(d) Components relating to the following, as applicable to the basin:

(1) The monitoring and management of groundwater levels within the basin.

(2) The monitoring and management of groundwater quality, groundwater quality degradation, inelastic land surface subsidence, and changes in surface flow and surface water quality that directly affect groundwater levels or quality or are caused by groundwater extraction in the basin.

(3) Mitigation of overdraft.

(4) How recharge areas identified in the plan substantially contribute to the replenishment of the basin.

(5) A description of surface water supply used or available for use for groundwater recharge or in-lieu use.

(e) A summary of the type of monitoring sites, type of measurements, and the frequency of monitoring for each location monitoring groundwater levels, groundwater quality, subsidence, streamflow, precipitation, evaporation, and tidal influence. The plan shall include a summary of monitoring information such as well depth, screened intervals, and aquifer zones monitored, and a summary of the type of well relied on for the information, including public, irrigation, domestic, industrial, and monitoring wells.

(f) Monitoring protocols that are designed to detect changes in groundwater levels, groundwater quality, inelastic surface subsidence for basins for which subsidence has been identified as a potential problem, and flow and quality of surface water that directly affect groundwater levels or quality or are caused by groundwater extraction in the basin. The monitoring protocols shall be designed to generate information that promotes efficient and effective groundwater management.

(g) A description of the consideration given to the applicable county and city general plans and a description of the various adopted water resources-related plans and programs within the basin and an assessment of how the groundwater sustainability plan may affect those plans.

(Added by Stats. 2014, Ch. 346, Sec. 3. (SB 1168) Effective January 1, 2015.)