California Code
ARTICLE 1 - Registered Environmental Health Specialists
Section 106700.

106700. (a) A nonreturnable fee shall be paid by a person for each application for registration, application for examination, and biennial renewal.

(b) Fees shall not exceed the actual administrative costs of the program. Fees, except retired and penalty fees, shall be subject to Section 100425. The actual dollar figure charged shall be rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount. The biennial renewal fee-retired shall be twenty-five dollars ($25).

(c) The nonreturnable biennial renewal fee shall be paid by each registered environmental health specialist on or before the first day of January of every second year, or on any other date that is determined by the department. Each registered environmental health specialist registered pursuant to this article shall first pay the biennial fee at the time of initial registration to cover the calendar year in which registration is acquired and the following calendar year. Registrations not maintained as required by this subdivision are suspended and remain invalid during the period of suspension. Suspended registrations become revoked three years after the date of suspension. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Government Code, the executive officer shall revoke suspended registrations after three years from the date of suspension for nonpayment of fees.

(d) An additional penalty fee equal to 50 percent of the biennial renewal fee for each year of delinquency or portion thereof shall be paid by each person who fails to pay the fee required by subdivision (c) within 30 days of the established due date. All accumulated penalty fees shall be paid prior to any revalidation of registration.

(e) The department shall receive and account for all money received pursuant to this article and shall deposit it with the Treasurer who shall keep the money in a separate fund to be known as the “Registered Environmental Health Specialist Fund,” which fund is hereby created.

(f) Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, funds collected pursuant to the provisions of this article are continuously appropriated without regard to fiscal year to pay expenses of the department to administer the provisions of this article.

(g) The following fees are hereby established and shall be annually adjusted as required by subdivision (b):

(1) Application fee—ninety-five dollars ($95).

(2) Examination fee—one hundred and twenty-six dollars ($126).

(3) Biennial renewal fee—active—one hundred and seventy-five dollars ($175).

(Amended by Stats. 2006, Ch. 902, Sec. 18. Effective January 1, 2007.)