California Code
CHAPTER 9 - Basic Property Insurance Inspection and Placement Plan
Section 10094.

10094. (a) Within 30 days after the effective date of this chapter, with the approval of the commissioner, all insurers licensed to write and engaged in writing in this state, on a direct basis, basic property insurance or any component of basic property insurance in multiperil policies, shall establish an industry placement facility, the California FAIR Plan Association, to formulate and administer a program for the equitable apportionment among insurers of basic property insurance that may be afforded to persons having an interest in real or tangible personal property who, after diligent effort, as specified in subdivision (a) of Section 10093, are unable to procure insurance through normal channels from an admitted insurer or a surplus line broker. Each insurer, as a condition of its authority to transact those kinds of insurance in this state, shall participate in an industry placement facility program in accordance with rules to be established by a governing committee, composed of nine insurers annually elected in the manner to be provided in the program. The governing committee shall also have as nonvoting members one representative of insurance agents, one representative of insurance brokers, one representative of surplus line brokers, and one representative of the public, each to be appointed by the Governor.

(b) The governing committee may establish separate classifications of written premiums for the purpose of equitable distribution, but shall not include premiums from automobile risks, commercial agricultural commodities or livestock, or equipment used to cultivate or transport agricultural commodities or livestock.

(c) The program may provide, with the approval of the commissioner, for assessment of all members in amounts sufficient to operate the facility, and may establish maximum limits of liability to be placed through the program, reasonable underwriting standards for determining insurability of a risk, and commission to be paid to the licensed producer designated by the applicant.

(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 128, Sec. 2. (SB 11) Effective July 23, 2021.)