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CHAPTER 1 - General Provisions and Definitions
Section 31000. - 31000. Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions in this...
Section 31001. - 31001. “Certified local coastal plan or program” means any plan...
Section 31002. - 31002. “Conservancy” means the State Coastal Conservancy. (Added by Stats....
Section 31004. - 31004. “Commission” means the California Coastal Commission established under Chapter...
Section 31005. - 31005. “Bay commission” means the San Francisco Bay Conservation and...
Section 31006. - 31006. (a) “Coastal zone” means that area of the state...
Section 31007. - 31007. “Coastal restoration project” means an action taken by a...
Section 31008. - 31008. “Coastal resource enhancement project” means an action taken by...
Section 31009. - 31009. “Department” means the Department of Parks and Recreation. (Added...
Section 31010. - 31010. “Local public agency” includes, but is not limited to,...
Section 31011. - 31011. Any funds received by the department pursuant to this...
Section 31012. - 31012. (a) The Coastal Trust Fund is hereby established in...
Section 31013. - 31013. “Nonprofit organization” means any private, nonprofit organization that qualifies...
Section 31014. - 31014. “Bay plan” means the San Francisco Bay Plan as...
Section 31015. - 31015. “Suisun Marsh Protection Plan” means the plan approved as...
Section 31016. - 31016. “Local plan” means any land use plan of a...
Section 31017. - 31017. “Public agency” includes, but is not limited to, local...
CHAPTER 2 - Declaration of State Policy and General Provisions
Section 31050. - 31050. The Legislature finds and declares that the agricultural lands...
Section 31051. - 31051. The Legislature further finds and declares that agricultural lands...
Section 31052. - 31052. The Legislature further finds and declares that lands within...
Section 31053. - 31053. The Legislature further finds and declares that important fish...
Section 31054. - 31054. It is the policy of the state and the...
Section 31055. - 31055. No funds may be expended or granted under this...
Section 31056. - 31056. (a) The conservancy is not required to provide funding...
CHAPTER 3 - Establishment and Functions of the State Coastal Conservancy
Section 31100. - 31100. There is in the Resources Agency the State Coastal...
Section 31100.5. - 31100.5. Three Members of the Senate, appointed by the Senate...
Section 31101. - 31101. (a) The members appointed under subdivisions (a) and (d)...
Section 31102. - 31102. The Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency shall select...
Section 31103. - 31103. The conservancy shall determine the qualifications of, and it...
Section 31103.1. - 31103.1. Pursuant to Section 1090 of the Government Code, an...
Section 31104. - 31104. The conservancy may apply for and accept federal grants...
Section 31104.1. - 31104.1. The conservancy shall serve as a repository for lands...
Section 31104.2. - 31104.2. The conservancy is the designated agency in the state...
Section 31104.3. - 31104.3. On an annual basis or as may be required,...
Section 31105. - 31105. The conservancy is authorized to acquire, pursuant to the...
Section 31106. - 31106. The State Public Works Board may, pursuant to Section...
Section 31107. - 31107. Notwithstanding other provisions of law, the Director of General...
Section 31107.1. - 31107.1. The Department of General Services and the conservancy shall...
Section 31108. - 31108. On January 2, three years after the most recent...
Section 31108.5. - 31108.5. The conservancy shall not expend any fees received pursuant...
Section 31109. - 31109. Where certification of a local coastal plan or program...
Section 31111. - 31111. In implementing this division, the conservancy may fund and...
Section 31111.3. - 31111.3. When granting funds appropriated by Assembly Bill 74 (Chapter...
Section 31111.5. - 31111.5. (a) In implementing this division, the conservancy may award...
Section 31112. - 31112. With respect to its publications, the conservancy may accept...
Section 31113. - 31113. (a) The Climate Ready Program is hereby established and...
Section 31115. - 31115. When a state agency that owns or manages land...
Section 31115.5. - 31115.5. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the conservancy may...
Section 31116. - 31116. (a) Funds may be granted to a nonprofit organization...
Section 31117. - 31117. Notwithstanding any provision of this division, the executive officer...
Section 31118. - 31118. The conservancy may seek repayments of funds granted pursuant...
Section 31119. - 31119. (a) (1) The conservancy may undertake educational projects and...
Section 31120. - 31120. In awarding grants to, or entering into agreements with,...
Section 31122. - 31122. Funds not otherwise restricted may be awarded by the...
CHAPTER 4 - Preservation of Agricultural Land
Section 31150. - 31150. The conservancy may acquire fee title, development rights, easements,...
Section 31150.1. - 31150.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the conservancy may...
Section 31151. - 31151. In acquiring interest in agricultural lands, as provided in...
Section 31152. - 31152. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this division to the...
Section 31153. - 31153. If the conservancy is unable to purchase an interest...
Section 31154. - 31154. The conservancy is authorized to lease lands acquired in...
Section 31155. - 31155. Proceeds from the sale or lease of lands acquired...
Section 31156. - 31156. The conservancy may award grants to public agencies and...
CHAPTER 4.5 - San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program
Section 31160. - 31160. The San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program is established...
Section 31161. - 31161. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the nine...
Section 31162. - 31162. The conservancy may undertake projects and award grants in...
Section 31163. - 31163. (a) The conservancy shall cooperate with cities, counties, and...
Section 31164. - 31164. (a) The San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program Account...
Section 31165. - 31165. In order to benefit the San Francisco Bay region,...
CHAPTER 4.6 - Santa Ana River Conservancy Program
Section 31170. - 31170. The Santa Ana River Conservancy Program is hereby established,...
Section 31171. - 31171. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:...
Section 31172. - 31172. For purposes of this chapter, the following terms have...
Section 31173. - 31173. The conservancy may undertake projects and award grants and...
Section 31174. - 31174. In administering the program, the conservancy shall, consistent with...
Section 31175. - 31175. In carrying out the purposes of this chapter, and...
Section 31176. - 31176. (a) The conservancy shall, as necessary and appropriate, cooperate...
Section 31177. - 31177. (a) Notwithstanding Section 31175, the conservancy is subject to...
Section 31178. - 31178. To the extent feasible, in carrying out the purposes...
Section 31179. - 31179. (a) The Santa Ana River Conservancy Program Account is...
Section 31180. - 31180. The conservancy shall include information about the program in...
CHAPTER 5 - Coastal Restoration Projects
Section 31200. - 31200. The conservancy may award grants to public agencies and...
Section 31201. - 31201. All areas proposed for restoration by the conservancy, a...
Section 31203. - 31203. In reviewing grant applications and restoration plans, the conservancy...
Section 31204. - 31204. The conservancy may provide up to the total cost...
Section 31205. - 31205. The conservancy shall request the commission, local public agencies,...
Section 31206. - 31206. In accordance with procedures adopted by the conservancy, public...
Section 31207. - 31207. In connection with proposed coastal restoration projects, the conservancy...
Section 31207.1. - 31207.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the conservancy may...
Section 31208. - 31208. (a) Following completion of a coastal restoration plan, the...
Section 31208.5. - 31208.5. In the case of San Francisco Bay projects, the...
Section 31209. - 31209. Following approval of a restoration plan as provided in...
Section 31210. - 31210. Costs of providing parks, open space, or other public...
Section 31211. - 31211. The conservancy, local public agencies, and nonprofit organizations, in...
Section 31212. - 31212. Any funds over and above eligible project costs which...
Section 31213. - 31213. Where a local public agency is unable or unwilling...
Section 31213.5. - 31213.5. In the case of San Francisco Bay, the conservancy...
Section 31214. - 31214. A restoration plan prepared for a project to be...
Section 31215. - 31215. Prior to undertaking any restoration project under the provisions...
CHAPTER 5.5 - Integrated Coastal and Marine Resources Protection
Section 31220. - 31220. (a) In order to improve and protect coastal and...
CHAPTER 6 - Coastal Resource Enhancement Projects
Section 31251. - 31251. The conservancy may award grants to public agencies and...
Section 31251.2. - 31251.2. (a) In order to enhance the natural or scenic...
Section 31252. - 31252. All areas proposed for resource enhancement by a state...
Section 31253. - 31253. The conservancy may provide up to the total of...
Section 31254. - 31254. The conservancy shall request the commission, local public agencies,...
Section 31255. - 31255. In accordance with procedures adopted by the conservancy, state...
Section 31255.1. - 31255.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the conservancy may...
Section 31257. - 31257. In connection with proposed coastal resource enhancement projects, the...
Section 31258. - 31258. (a) Following the completion of a coastal resource enhancement...
Section 31258.5. - 31258.5. In the case of San Francisco Bay projects, the...
Section 31259. - 31259. Following review and approval of a resource enhancement plan...
Section 31260. - 31260. As part of an approved coastal resource enhancement project,...
Section 31261. - 31261. Private development may be permitted within the area of...
Section 31262. - 31262. Any funds over and above eligible project costs which...
Section 31263. - 31263. If a local public agency or state agency is...
Section 31263.5. - 31263.5. In the case of San Francisco Bay, the conservancy...
Section 31264. - 31264. A resource enhancement plan prepared for a project to...
Section 31265. - 31265. Prior to undertaking any resource enhancement project under the...
Section 31270. - 31270. Notwithstanding the geographic limitations of this division or Division...
CHAPTER 7 - Urban Waterfront Restoration
Section 31300. - 31300. This chapter shall be known and may be cited...
Section 31301. - 31301. The Legislature finds and declares that California’s urban waterfronts,...
Section 31302. - 31302. The conservancy shall administer the provisions of this chapter....
Section 31303. - 31303. The conservancy shall request the commission, public agencies, nonprofit...
Section 31305. - 31305. In reviewing grant applications and urban waterfront restoration plans,...
Section 31306. - 31306. (a) The conservancy shall propose capital projects and capital...
Section 31307. - 31307. The conservancy may award grants to public agencies and...
Section 31308. - 31308. The conservancy may provide up to the total cost...
Section 31309. - 31309. (a) Following approval of a proposed urban waterfront project...
Section 31310. - 31310. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the conservancy may...
Section 31311. - 31311. Costs of providing parks, open space, or other public...
Section 31311.5. - 31311.5. Where the conservancy awards any grant for the purpose...
Section 31312. - 31312. Local public agencies and nonprofit organizations, in undertaking urban...
Section 31313. - 31313. Any funds over and above eligible project costs which...
Section 31314. - 31314. Plans prepared pursuant to this chapter for the Port...
Section 31315. - 31315. The conservancy, under its mandate for urban waterfront restoration,...
Section 31316. - 31316. Within the conservancy’s jurisdiction pursuant to this chapter and...
CHAPTER 8 - Reservation of Significant Coastal Resource Areas
Section 31350. - 31350. It is the policy of the Legislature to assure...
Section 31351. - 31351. (a) The conservancy shall cooperate with the commission, bay...
Section 31352. - 31352. (a) If a public agency or nonprofit organization is...
Section 31352.5. - 31352.5. Where a nonprofit organization is better situated than the...
Section 31353. - 31353. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the conservancy may...
Section 31354. - 31354. The conservancy may not hold fee interests acquired in...
Section 31355. - 31355. The conservancy is authorized to lease interest in real...
Section 31356. - 31356. All remaining revenue derived from leases, after allocation to...
CHAPTER 9 - System of Public Accessways
Section 31400. - 31400. The Legislature finds and declares that it is the...
Section 31400.1. - 31400.1. The conservancy may award grants to any public agency...
Section 31400.2. - 31400.2. The conservancy may provide up to the total cost...
Section 31400.3. - 31400.3. The conservancy may provide such assistance as is required...
Section 31401. - 31401. The conservancy shall develop and adopt standards to guide...
Section 31402. - 31402. In order to assure that an adequate system of...
Section 31402.1. - 31402.1. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 31402.2. - 31402.2. The conservancy shall accept any outstanding offer to dedicate...
Section 31402.3. - 31402.3. (a) To the extent that funds are available in...
Section 31403. - 31403. The department or the conservancy may not acquire any...
Section 31404. - 31404. When another local public agency is unable or unwilling...
Section 31405. - 31405. The department or the conservancy may accept, from any...
Section 31406. - 31406. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the conservancy may...
Section 31408. - 31408. (a) The conservancy shall, in consultation with the Department...
Section 31409. - 31409. Consistent with the conservancy’s authority under this chapter to...
Section 31410. - 31410. (a) That portion of the Ma-le’l Dunes in Humboldt...
CHAPTER 10 - Lower Cost Coastal Accommodations Program
Section 31411. - 31411. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:...
Section 31412. - 31412. (a) The conservancy shall develop and implement a Lower...
Section 31413. - 31413. (a) The conservancy shall prepare a lower cost coastal...
Section 31414. - 31414. (a) The conservancy may develop and implement a pilot...