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Section 31251. - 31251. The conservancy may award grants to public agencies and...
Section 31251.2. - 31251.2. (a) In order to enhance the natural or scenic...
Section 31252. - 31252. All areas proposed for resource enhancement by a state...
Section 31253. - 31253. The conservancy may provide up to the total of...
Section 31254. - 31254. The conservancy shall request the commission, local public agencies,...
Section 31255. - 31255. In accordance with procedures adopted by the conservancy, state...
Section 31255.1. - 31255.1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the conservancy may...
Section 31257. - 31257. In connection with proposed coastal resource enhancement projects, the...
Section 31258. - 31258. (a) Following the completion of a coastal resource enhancement...
Section 31258.5. - 31258.5. In the case of San Francisco Bay projects, the...
Section 31259. - 31259. Following review and approval of a resource enhancement plan...
Section 31260. - 31260. As part of an approved coastal resource enhancement project,...
Section 31261. - 31261. Private development may be permitted within the area of...
Section 31262. - 31262. Any funds over and above eligible project costs which...
Section 31263. - 31263. If a local public agency or state agency is...
Section 31263.5. - 31263.5. In the case of San Francisco Bay, the conservancy...
Section 31264. - 31264. A resource enhancement plan prepared for a project to...
Section 31265. - 31265. Prior to undertaking any resource enhancement project under the...
Section 31270. - 31270. Notwithstanding the geographic limitations of this division or Division...