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ARTICLE 1 - Waste Diversion
Section 41780. - 41780. (a) Each jurisdiction’s source reduction and recycling element shall...
Section 41780.01. - 41780.01. (a) The Legislature hereby declares that it is the...
Section 41780.05. - 41780.05. (a) After January 1, 2009, pursuant to the review...
Section 41780.1. - 41780.1. (a) Notwithstanding any other requirement of this part, for...
Section 41780.2. - 41780.2. (a) Each city, county, or member agency of a...
Section 41781. - 41781. (a) Except as provided in Sections 41781.1, and 41781.2,...
Section 41781.1. - 41781.1. (a) Prior to determining that the diversion of sludge...
Section 41781.2. - 41781.2. (a) (1) It is the intent of the Legislature...
Section 41781.3. - 41781.3. (a) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the...
Section 41781.4. - 41781.4. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), the export...
Section 41782. - 41782. (a) The board may make adjustments to the amounts...
Section 41783.1. - 41783.1. For any city, county, or regional agency source reduction...
ARTICLE 1.5 - Rural Assistance
Section 41787. - 41787. (a) (1) The board may reduce the diversion requirements...
Section 41787.1. - 41787.1. (a) Rural cities and rural counties may join to...
Section 41787.2. - 41787.2. (a) A rural city or a rural county, which...
Section 41787.3. - 41787.3. The board, in consultation with rural cities and rural...
Section 41787.4. - 41787.4. Notwithstanding Section 41820, the board may grant a two-year...
Section 41787.5. - 41787.5. Unless in conflict with the express provisions of this...
ARTICLE 2 - Board Review
Section 41790. - 41790. In order to coordinate solid waste management activities throughout...
Section 41791. - 41791. (a) If any city or county has less than...
Section 41791.1. - 41791.1. In reviewing, commenting upon, and approving or disapproving integrated...
Section 41791.2. - 41791.2. In reviewing, commenting upon, and approving or disapproving integrated...
Section 41791.5. - 41791.5. (a) (1) Notwithstanding Section 41791, and except as provided...
Section 41792. - 41792. It is the intent of the Legislature, in enacting...
Section 41793. - 41793. Each county or city shall hold at least one...
Section 41794. - 41794. Any city may submit its city source reduction and...