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Section 41790. - 41790. In order to coordinate solid waste management activities throughout...
Section 41791. - 41791. (a) If any city or county has less than...
Section 41791.1. - 41791.1. In reviewing, commenting upon, and approving or disapproving integrated...
Section 41791.2. - 41791.2. In reviewing, commenting upon, and approving or disapproving integrated...
Section 41791.5. - 41791.5. (a) (1) Notwithstanding Section 41791, and except as provided...
Section 41792. - 41792. It is the intent of the Legislature, in enacting...
Section 41793. - 41793. Each county or city shall hold at least one...
Section 41794. - 41794. Any city may submit its city source reduction and...