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ARTICLE 1 - Lawful Medical Use Other Than Treatment of Addicts
Section 11210. - 11210. A physician, surgeon, dentist, veterinarian, naturopathic doctor acting pursuant...
Section 11211. - 11211. In order to provide a supply of controlled substances...
Section 11212. - 11212. Persons who, under applicable federal laws or regulations, are...
Section 11213. - 11213. Persons who, under applicable federal laws or regulations, are...
ARTICLE 2 - Treatment of Addicts for Addiction
Section 11215. - 11215. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), any narcotic...
Section 11217. - 11217. Except as provided in Section 11223, no person shall...
Section 11217.5. - 11217.5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 11217, a licensed physician...
Section 11218. - 11218. A physician treating an addict for addiction may not...
Section 11219. - 11219. After 15 days of treatment, the physician may not...
Section 11220. - 11220. At the end of 30 days from the first...
Section 11222. - 11222. In any case in which a person is taken...
Section 11223. - 11223. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a physician and...
ARTICLE 3 - Veterinarians
Section 11240. - 11240. No veterinarian shall prescribe, administer, or furnish a controlled...
Section 11241. - 11241. A prescription written by a veterinarian shall state the...
ARTICLE 4 - Sale Without Prescription
Section 11250. - 11250. (a) No prescription is required in case of the...
Section 11251. - 11251. No prescription is required in case of sales at...
Section 11252. - 11252. All wholesale jobbers, wholesalers, and manufacturers, mentioned in this...
Section 11253. - 11253. The written orders or blank forms shall be preserved...
Section 11255. - 11255. The taking of any order, or making of any...
Section 11256. - 11256. Within 24 hours after any purchaser in this state...