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ARTICLE 1 - License for Supplier
Section 7451. - 7451. Every person before becoming a supplier shall apply to...
Section 7452. - 7452. Applications shall be made on forms to be prescribed,...
Section 7453. - 7453. Before granting a license authorizing a person to engage...
ARTICLE 2 - License for Industrial User
Section 7460. - 7460. Every person before becoming an industrial user shall apply...
ARTICLE 3 - License for Pipeline Operator, Train Operator, and Vessel Operator
Section 7470. - 7470. Every person before becoming a pipeline operator or a...
ARTICLE 4 - Bonds
Section 7486. - 7486. The board, whenever it deems it necessary to ensure...
Section 7487. - 7487. If, at the time a person ceases to operate...
ARTICLE 5 - Denial of License
Section 7491. - 7491. The board may refuse to issue a license under...
Section 7492. - 7492. Before the refusal, the board shall grant the applicant...
Section 7493. - 7493. The notice shall be addressed to the applicant at...
ARTICLE 6 - Revocation of License
Section 7505. - 7505. The board may revoke the license of any person...
Section 7506. - 7506. The board may revoke any supplier’s license held by...
Section 7507. - 7507. Before revoking any license the board shall notify the...
Section 7508. - 7508. The board may cancel any license issued under this...
Section 7509. - 7509. Upon revocation or cancellation of the license of the...
Section 7510. - 7510. Subsequent to the revocation of the license of a...
Section 7511. - 7511. It is unlawful for any person to operate in...
ARTICLE 7 - Licensing of Locations
Section 7520. - 7520. Every person required to be licensed by the board...