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Section 4985. - 4985. The cost of the acquisition or construction of the...
Section 4986. - 4986. Bonds issued and sold under this chapter shall be...
Section 4987. - 4987. Each bond, except those of the last installment, or...
Section 4988. - 4988. The bonds shall bear interest, as the governing body...
Section 4989. - 4989. The governing body shall prescribe the form of the...
Section 4990. - 4990. The number of bonds to be paid each year...
Section 4991. - 4991. If the district is a city, the bonds shall...
Section 4992. - 4992. In the ordinance authorizing the issuance of the bonds,...
Section 4993. - 4993. If the proceeds of the bonds for any reason...
Section 4994. - 4994. No error, defect, irregularity, informality, and no neglect or...
Section 4995. - 4995. Bonds may be made payable on a date subsequent...
Section 4996. - 4996. An action to determine the validity of bonds may...
Section 4997. - 4997. In determining the amount of bonds to be issued,...