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ARTICLE 1 - General
Section 30200. - 30200. (a) Consistent with the coastal zone values cited in...
ARTICLE 2 - Public Access
Section 30210. - 30210. In carrying out the requirement of Section 4 of...
Section 30211. - 30211. Development shall not interfere with the public’s right of...
Section 30212. - 30212. (a) Public access from the nearest public roadway to...
Section 30212.5. - 30212.5. Wherever appropriate and feasible, public facilities, including parking areas...
Section 30213. - 30213. Lower cost visitor and recreational facilities shall be protected,...
Section 30214. - 30214. (a) The public access policies of this article shall...
ARTICLE 3 - Recreation
Section 30220. - 30220. Coastal areas suited for water-oriented recreational activities that cannot...
Section 30221. - 30221. Oceanfront land suitable for recreational use shall be protected...
Section 30222. - 30222. The use of private lands suitable for visitor-serving commercial...
Section 30222.5. - 30222.5. Oceanfront land that is suitable for coastal dependent aquaculture...
Section 30223. - 30223. Upland areas necessary to support coastal recreational uses shall...
Section 30224. - 30224. Increased recreational boating use of coastal waters shall be...
ARTICLE 4 - Marine Environment
Section 30230. - 30230. Marine resources shall be maintained, enhanced, and, where feasible,...
Section 30231. - 30231. The biological productivity and the quality of coastal waters,...
Section 30232. - 30232. Protection against the spillage of crude oil, gas, petroleum...
Section 30233. - 30233. (a) The diking, filling, or dredging of open coastal...
Section 30234. - 30234. Facilities serving the commercial fishing and recreational boating industries...
Section 30234.5. - 30234.5. The economic, commercial, and recreational importance of fishing activities...
Section 30235. - 30235. Revetments, breakwaters, groins, harbor channels, seawalls, cliff retaining walls,...
Section 30236. - 30236. Channelizations, dams, or other substantial alterations of rivers and...
ARTICLE 5 - Land Resources
Section 30240. - 30240. (a) Environmentally sensitive habitat areas shall be protected against...
Section 30241. - 30241. The maximum amount of prime agricultural land shall be...
Section 30241.5. - 30241.5. (a) If the viability of existing agricultural uses is...
Section 30242. - 30242. All other lands suitable for agricultural use shall not...
Section 30243. - 30243. The long-term productivity of soils and timberlands shall be...
Section 30244. - 30244. Where development would adversely impact archaeological or paleontological resources...
ARTICLE 6 - Development
Section 30250. - 30250. (a) New residential, commercial, or industrial development, except as...
Section 30251. - 30251. The scenic and visual qualities of coastal areas shall...
Section 30252. - 30252. The location and amount of new development should maintain...
Section 30253. - 30253. New development shall do all of the following: (a)...
Section 30254. - 30254. New or expanded public works facilities shall be designed...
Section 30254.5. - 30254.5. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the commission may...
Section 30255. - 30255. Coastal-dependent developments shall have priority over other developments on...
ARTICLE 7 - Industrial Development
Section 30260. - 30260. Coastal-dependent industrial facilities shall be encouraged to locate or...
Section 30261. - 30261. Multicompany use of existing and new tanker facilities shall...
Section 30262. - 30262. (a) Oil and gas development shall be permitted in...
Section 30263. - 30263. (a) New or expanded refineries or petrochemical facilities not...
Section 30264. - 30264. Notwithstanding any other provision of this division except subdivisions...
Section 30265. - 30265. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following:...
Section 30265.5. - 30265.5. (a) The Governor, or the Governor’s designee, shall coordinate...
ARTICLE 8 - Sea Level Rise
Section 30270. - 30270. The commission shall take into account the effects of...