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Section 30230. - 30230. Marine resources shall be maintained, enhanced, and, where feasible,...
Section 30231. - 30231. The biological productivity and the quality of coastal waters,...
Section 30232. - 30232. Protection against the spillage of crude oil, gas, petroleum...
Section 30233. - 30233. (a) The diking, filling, or dredging of open coastal...
Section 30234. - 30234. Facilities serving the commercial fishing and recreational boating industries...
Section 30234.5. - 30234.5. The economic, commercial, and recreational importance of fishing activities...
Section 30235. - 30235. Revetments, breakwaters, groins, harbor channels, seawalls, cliff retaining walls,...
Section 30236. - 30236. Channelizations, dams, or other substantial alterations of rivers and...