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Section 35161. - 35161. Every person who tests milk, cream, or any fluid...
Section 35162. - 35162. Methods or processes of testing shall be approved by...
Section 35163. - 35163. Every person, except a licensed tester, who takes any...
Section 35164. - 35164. If one person does both sampling and weighing or...
Section 35166. - 35166. Any person who takes any sample of milk, cream,...
Section 35167. - 35167. Every person who makes any bacteriological determination of milk...
Section 35168. - 35168. Every person who operates any equipment wherein milk or...
Section 35169. - 35169. Every person who tests any milk or cream purchased,...
Section 35170. - 35170. An application for a tester's, sampler’s and weigher's, technician's,...
Section 35171. - 35171. Every license that is issued pursuant to Article 7...