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Section 6901. - 6901. This article shall be known and may be cited...
Section 6902. - 6902. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that development of...
Section 6903. - 6903. For the purposes of this chapter, “geothermal resources” shall...
Section 6904. - 6904. Permits and leases for exploration and development of geothermal...
Section 6905. - 6905. Permits and leases may be issued pursuant to this...
Section 6906. - 6906. Administration of this article shall be under the principle...
Section 6907. - 6907. Where it is determined by the commission that the...
Section 6909. - 6909. The commission may grant nonexclusive geological or geophysical exploration...
Section 6910. - 6910. (a) Subject to the provisions of Section 6906, the...
Section 6911. - 6911. (a) Lands may be selected for lease by the...
Section 6912. - 6912. (a) In case of an application for a permit...
Section 6913. - 6913. Each prospecting permit and lease issued under this article...
Section 6914. - 6914. The holder of any geothermal resources permit or lease...
Section 6915. - 6915. Subject to the other provisions of this article, the...
Section 6916. - 6916. (a) The commission may issue leases for direct heat...
Section 6917. - 6917. A permit or lease may be terminated by the...
Section 6918. - 6918. Leases under this article shall be for a primary...
Section 6919. - 6919. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,...
Section 6920. - 6920. Any person engaged in the production of geothermal resources...
Section 6921. - 6921. A permittee or lessee may, upon the approval of...
Section 6922. - 6922. No prospecting permit or lease shall be made for...
Section 6923. - 6923. For the purpose of more properly conserving the natural...
Section 6924. - 6924. Where the surface of state-owned lands sought for use...
Section 6925. - 6925. A permit or lease under this article may be...
Section 6925.1. - 6925.1. Whenever, as determined by the commission, any operation conducted...
Section 6925.2. - 6925.2. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, the commission...