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Section 6890. - 6890. (a) Prospecting permits and leases for the extraction and...
Section 6890.5. - 6890.5. Notwithstanding any other law, when lands, other than tide...
Section 6891. - 6891. The commission may issue a prospecting permit, under such...
Section 6892. - 6892. If the applicant erects upon the land for which...
Section 6894. - 6894. The applicant shall, within 90 days after receiving a...
Section 6895. - 6895. Upon establishing to the satisfaction of the commission that...
Section 6896. - 6896. Until the permittee applies for a lease as to...
Section 6897. - 6897. (a) All deposits of minerals, other than oil, gas,...
Section 6898. - 6898. Leases under this article shall be for terms not...
Section 6898.5. - 6898.5. Notwithstanding Section 6898, any lease in effect on July...
Section 6899. - 6899. The commission shall prescribe such additional terms, covenants and...
Section 6900. - 6900. (a) Notwithstanding Section 6890, the commission or a local...