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Section 9881. - 9881. A district may issue improvement district warrants signed by...
Section 9882. - 9882. Improvement district warrants shall be made payable in amounts...
Section 9883. - 9883. Improvement district warrants shall bear interest at the rate...
Section 9884. - 9884. Coupons for the interest on these warrants may be...
Section 9885. - 9885. Improvement district warrants may be made payable to any...
Section 9886. - 9886. Improvement district warrants may be sold by the district...
Section 9887. - 9887. Any surplus funds and any money held by a...
Section 9888. - 9888. Except as otherwise provided by law, the cost of...
Section 9889. - 9889. Improvement district warrants shall be paid only out of...
Section 9890. - 9890. Improvement district warrants or their proceeds shall be used...