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Section 11385. - 11385. (a) On and after the date that the director...
Section 11386. - 11386. Aid shall be provided under this article on behalf...
Section 11387. - 11387. (a) In order to receive federal financial participation for...
Section 11388. - 11388. If a federally eligible child described in Section 11386...
Section 11389. - 11389. A child eligible for a Kin-GAP payment under this...
Section 11390. - 11390. (a) A person who is a kinship guardian under...
Section 11391. - 11391. For purposes of this article, the following definitions shall...
Section 11392. - 11392. On and after the date that the director executes...
Section 11393. - 11393. (a) Notwithstanding the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing...