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Section 11360. - 11360. Effective on the date that the director executes a...
Section 11361. - 11361. The Legislature finds and declares that the continuation of...
Section 11362. - 11362. For purposes of this article, the following definitions shall...
Section 11363. - 11363. (a) Aid in the form of state-funded Kin-GAP shall...
Section 11364. - 11364. (a) In order to receive payments under this article,...
Section 11366. - 11366. A child who is eligible to receive Medi-Cal benefits...
Section 11367. - 11367. The supplemental clothing allowance shall be paid pursuant to...
Section 11369. - 11369. (a) Notwithstanding the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 3.5 (commencing...
Section 11370. - 11370. The county welfare department or probation department or Indian...
Section 11371. - 11371. Income to the child, including the state-funded Kin-GAP payment,...
Section 11372. - 11372. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the state-funded...
Section 11374. - 11374. (a) Each county that formally had court ordered jurisdiction...
Section 11375. - 11375. The following shall apply to any child or nonminor...
Section 11376. - 11376. A foster child who has become the subject of...
Section 11378. - 11378. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to...
Section 11379. - 11379. This article shall become operative on the date that...