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Section 10351. - 10351. All female dairy calves shall be vaccinated by an...
Section 10352. - 10352. Each calf which is vaccinated pursuant to this chapter...
Section 10353. - 10353. The owner of any calf which is to be...
Section 10354. - 10354. If the owner or any person that is in...
Section 10355. - 10355. Any expense which is incurred by the department pursuant...
Section 10356. - 10356. The vaccination of any bovine animal pursuant to the...
Section 10357. - 10357. It is unlawful for any person to refuse to...
Section 10358. - 10358. It is unlawful for any person to remove any...
Section 10359. - 10359. It is unlawful for any person, except a federal,...