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Section 55481. - 55481. A person shall not act as an agent unless...
Section 55482. - 55482. Every person, before acting as an agent, shall file...
Section 55483. - 55483. (a) Each application shall include all of the following:...
Section 55484. - 55484. The department shall accept or deny an application within...
Section 55484.5. - 55484.5. (a) The Legislature finds there to be a substantial...
Section 55484.75. - 55484.75. (a) If an application for a license indicates, or...
Section 55485. - 55485. The applicant shall satisfy the department of the applicant’s...
Section 55485.5. - 55485.5. A license is forfeited by operation of law prior...
Section 55485.75. - 55485.75. (a) The withdrawal of an application for a license...
Section 55488. - 55488. (a) The department shall notify the applicant or holder...
Section 55491. - 55491. The director may issue to each agent a separate...
Section 55492. - 55492. Any agent that displays a void or expired license...
Section 55493. - 55493. Each agent shall show his license upon the request...