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Section 41850. - 41850. It is the intent of the Legislature, by the...
Section 41851. - 41851. Section 41800 shall not apply to burning regulated pursuant...
Section 41852. - 41852. No person knowingly shall set or permit agricultural burning...
Section 41852.5. - 41852.5. The state board may, after holding a public hearing,...
Section 41853. - 41853. The state board shall designate public fire protection agencies...
Section 41853.5. - 41853.5. (a) No permit shall be issued pursuant to Section...
Section 41854. - 41854. (a) No permit issued pursuant to Section 41853 shall...
Section 41855. - 41855. The state board shall determine and designate from meteorological...
Section 41855.5. - 41855.5. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no permit...
Section 41855.6. - 41855.6. The district may postpone the commencement dates set forth...
Section 41855.8. - 41855.8. (a) Upon appropriation of moneys pursuant to Provision 1...
Section 41856. - 41856. The state board shall promulgate guidelines for the regulation...
Section 41857. - 41857. The guidelines promulgated by the state board shall be...
Section 41858. - 41858. In adopting such guidelines, the state board shall consider...
Section 41859. - 41859. The state board shall continuously review the guidelines promulgated...
Section 41860. - 41860. The state board shall adopt and publish a list...
Section 41861. - 41861. No burning shall be conducted for the improvement of...
Section 41862. - 41862. A district may issue a permit to authorize agricultural...
Section 41863. - 41863. Each basinwide coordinating council and district shall, as part...
Section 41864. - 41864. The provisions of this article shall not supersede any...
Section 41865. - 41865. (a) This section shall be known, and may be...
Section 41865.5. - 41865.5. Notwithstanding Section 7550.5 of the Government Code, on or...
Section 41866. - 41866. The Sacramento Valley Basinwide Air Pollution Control Council may...