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Section 56320. - 56320. Before any action is taken with respect to the...
Section 56320.1. - 56320.1. All identification, evaluation, and assessment procedures for individuals with...
Section 56321. - 56321. (a) If an assessment for the development or revision...
Section 56321.1. - 56321.1. If the child is a ward of the state...
Section 56321.5. - 56321.5. The copy of the notice of parent rights shall...
Section 56321.6. - 56321.6. The copy of the notice of parent rights shall...
Section 56322. - 56322. The assessment shall be conducted by persons competent to...
Section 56323. - 56323. Admission of a pupil to special education instruction shall...
Section 56324. - 56324. (a) Any psychological assessment of pupils shall be made...
Section 56325. - 56325. (a) (1) As required by subclause (I) of clause...
Section 56326. - 56326. A pupil may be referred, as appropriate, for further...
Section 56326.5. - 56326.5. (a) The department’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing unit...
Section 56327. - 56327. The personnel who assess the pupil shall prepare a...
Section 56328. - 56328. Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, a special education...
Section 56329. - 56329. As part of the assessment plan given to parents...
Section 56330. - 56330. A local educational agency shall follow the procedures in...