Arkansas Code
Subchapter 2 - Water Pollution
§ 8-4-213. Conclusiveness of commission actions

(a) If no appeal is taken from an order, a rule, or other decision of the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission as provided in §§ 8-4-222 — 8-4-229, or if the action of the commission is affirmed on appeal, then the action of the commission in the matter shall be deemed conclusive, and the validity and reasonableness thereof shall not be questioned in any other action or proceeding.
(b) However, this section shall not preclude the authority of the commission to modify or rescind its actions.

Structure Arkansas Code

Arkansas Code

Title 8 - Environmental Law

Chapter 4 - Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Control Act

Subchapter 2 - Water Pollution

§ 8-4-201. Powers and duties of division and commission generally

§ 8-4-202. Rules

§ 8-4-203. Permits generally — Definitions

§ 8-4-204. Permits — Revocation

§ 8-4-205. Permits — Hearings upon denial, revocation, or modification and other permit actions — Definition

§ 8-4-206. State water pollution control agency — General authority

§ 8-4-207. State water pollution control agency — Powers and duties generally

§ 8-4-208. State water pollution control agency — Administration of permit program generally

§ 8-4-209. State water pollution control agency — Participation of certain persons prohibited in approval of permit applications

§ 8-4-210. Investigations and hearings generally

§ 8-4-211. Declaratory orders

§ 8-4-212. Adjudicatory hearings and orders

§ 8-4-213. Conclusiveness of commission actions

§ 8-4-214. Service of notice, orders, etc

§ 8-4-215. Intergovernmental cooperation

§ 8-4-216. Information and inspections

§ 8-4-217. Unlawful actions

§ 8-4-218. Violations of chapter, orders, rules, etc. — Hearings — Notice

§ 8-4-219. Violations of chapter, orders, rules, etc. — Hearings — Conduct

§ 8-4-220. Violation of chapter, orders, rules, etc. — Order of division without hearing

§ 8-4-221. Violations of chapter, orders, rules, etc. — Hearing — Orders

§ 8-4-222. Appeals — Entitlement

§ 8-4-223. Appeals — Notice

§ 8-4-224. Appeals — Parties

§ 8-4-225. Appeals — Venue

§ 8-4-226. Appeal — Response by commission and record

§ 8-4-227. Appeal — Review by circuit court

§ 8-4-228. Appeal — Stay of proceedings

§ 8-4-229. Appeals, proceedings, etc. — Presumptions

§ 8-4-230. Temporary variances and interim authority

§ 8-4-231. Effectiveness of regulations, rules, or orders

§ 8-4-232. Nutrient water quality trading programs — Definition

§ 8-4-233. Nutrient Water Quality Trading Advisory Panel — Creation — Members — Duties

§ 8-4-234. Short-term activity authorization