Arkansas Code
Subchapter 3 - Highway, Road, and Street Systems Classification Law
§ 27-66-306. Functional classes

The six (6) functional classes by levels of service that are made applicable to the network of public highways, roads, and streets in Arkansas are as follows:
(1) Class I Rural Systems: Interstate freeways. Municipal Systems: Interstate freeways. Level of Service: Provide basic interstate service; link major cities; (2) Class II Rural Systems: Other principal arterial highways. Municipal Systems: Other freeways and expressways. Level of Service: Provide high level of interstate and intrastate service; connect major generators of internal city traffic; (3) Class III Rural System: Minor arterial highways. Municipal Systems: Other principal arterial streets. Level of Service: Serve trans-state travel to and through principal cities; provide a system for the major traffic generators within a city; (4) Class IV Rural Systems: Major collector roads. Municipal Systems: Minor arterial streets. Level of Service: Provide connections to and through the large centers of population within the state; (5) Class V Rural Systems: Minor collector roads. Municipal Systems: Collector streets. Level of Service: Provide intercounty service; serve the economic and state park areas not served by a higher system; collect and distribute traffic to and from major streets; provide intracounty service to and into population centers and other recreational and industrial areas; and (6) Class VI Rural Systems: Local roads. Municipal Systems: Local streets. Level of Service: Service small rural communities; provide access to residential areas, subdivisions, and neighborhoods within cities; provide direct access to adjacent properties in rural areas and within cities.
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