Arkansas Code
Chapter 3 - Arkansas Public Transportation Coordination Act
§ 27-3-105. Purpose — Rights and responsibilities

(a) The Arkansas Public Transportation Coordination Council, by and through the Arkansas Department of Transportation, is to accomplish the coordination of transportation services provided to the general public, particularly the transportation-disadvantaged.
(b) The goal of this coordination shall be to assure the cost-effective provision of public transportation by qualified transportation operators.
(c) In carrying out this purpose, the council shall:
(1) Serve as a clearinghouse for information relating to public transportation services, funding sources, innovations, and coordination efforts;
(2) Establish statewide objectives for providing public transportation services for the general public, particularly the transportation-disadvantaged;
(3) Develop policies and procedures for the coordination of federal, state, and local funding for public transportation facilities and services;
(4) Identify barriers prohibiting the coordination and accessibility of public transportation services and aggressively pursue the elimination of these barriers;
(5) Assist communities in developing public transportation systems available for public use, with special emphasis on serving the transportation-disadvantaged;
(6) Assure that all procedures, guidelines, and directives issued by state agencies are conducive to the coordination of public transportation services and facilities;
(7) Develop standards covering coordination, operation, costs, and utilization of public transportation services;
(A) Through the department, have the authority to apply for and accept funds, grants, gifts, and services from federal, state, local, or private funding sources.
(B) Funds acquired or accepted under subdivision (c)(8)(A) of this section shall be solely for the purpose of carrying out the council's responsibilities;

(A) Review, monitor, and coordinate all funding requests for state and federal grants to be used for the provision of public transportation services.
(B) The funds shall be available only to those entities participating in an approved coordinated transportation system or an entity which has been granted a waiver by the council; and

(10) Coordinate all public transportation programs with the appropriate local, state, and federal agencies and public transit agencies to ensure compatibility with existing transportation systems.