Arkansas Code
Subchapter 3 - Access to Parking for Persons with Disabilities Act
§ 27-15-316. Disabled veterans

(a) As used in this section, “disabled veteran” means a person who meets the definition of disabled veteran, disabled veteran — nonservice injury, or disabled veteran — World War I, under § 27-24-203.
(b) A vehicle that meets the following conditions is permitted parking privileges in those areas designated for parking only by a person with a disability under this subchapter:
(1) The vehicle must display a disabled veteran special license plate issued to a disabled veteran by the Department of Finance and Administration under § 27-24-204(a)(1), § 27-24-204(a)(2), or § 27-24-204(a)(3), or a valid disabled veteran license plate issued by another state; and
(2) The vehicle must be in use for the actual transporting of a disabled veteran.