Arkansas Code
Subchapter 4 - Telecommunications Regulatory Reform Act of 2013
§ 23-17-417. Arkansas Intrastate Carrier Common Line Pool Advisory Procedural Board

(a) The Arkansas Intrastate Carrier Common Line Pool Advisory Procedural Board is not a government entity under Arkansas law and shall not be considered a government entity for any purpose.
(b) The Arkansas Public Service Commission shall adopt all rules relating to the operation of the board that are reasonably necessary to implement this section.
(c) The board shall serve in an advisory capacity and may:
(1) Propose tariffs and rules to the commission;
(2) Propose amendments to its procedures for the operation, administration, and audit of the AICCLP;
(3) Advise the commission on other matters reasonably related to the operation of the AICCLP and the board;
(4) Meet by teleconference or by other technological means; and
(5) Provide recommendations and reports to the commission.

(d) The board shall be composed of two (2) representatives of underlying carriers and five (5) representatives of ILECs who are members of the AICCLP as follows:
(1) The two (2) underlying carriers' representatives shall be the first two (2) willing representatives of the largest underlying carriers, as determined by the AICCLP administrator, based upon the carriers' portion of the Arkansas intrastate telecommunications service revenues and special intrastate ILEC revenues;
(A) The commission shall determine the appropriate underlying carrier and ILEC member representatives on or before June 1 of each year.
(B) The commission shall approve any ILEC representative if the proposed representative's name is submitted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of all ILEC members of the AICCLP for any open ILEC position on the board; and

(A) The five (5) ILEC representatives of AICCLP members shall be willing representatives of ILECs who are members of the AICCLP.
(i) The five (5) ILEC representatives will serve staggered five-year terms with the terms to be determined by lot at the first meeting of the board.
(ii) A representative may serve unlimited terms.

(C) No ILEC or underlying carrier may be represented by more than one (1) board member.

(e) The board shall begin operations as of the date the commission appoints the first administrator.