Arkansas Code
Chapter 117 - Casino Gaming
§ 23-117-101. Letter of support for casino applicant

(a) Pursuant to The Arkansas Casino Gaming Amendment of 2018, Arkansas Constitution, Amendment 100, the Arkansas Racing Commission shall require a casino applicant for a casino license in Pope County and Jefferson County to submit:
(1) Either a letter of support from the county judge or a resolution from the quorum court in the county where the proposed casino is to be located; and
(2) If the proposed casino is to be located within a city or town, a letter of support from the mayor in the city or town where the proposed casino is to be located.

(b) A letter of support from the county judge or a resolution of support from the quorum court, and from the mayor, if appropriate, required under subsection (a) of this section shall be dated and signed by the county judge, quorum court, or mayor holding office at the time of the submission of an application for a casino license.