(1) The Director of the Office of the Arkansas Lottery shall appoint a Lottery Retailer Advisory Board to be composed of ten (10) retailers.
(2) In making appointments to the board, the director may consider a broad spectrum of geographical, racial, gender, and business characteristics of retailers.
(3) The board shall advise the Office of the Arkansas Lottery on retail aspects of lotteries and present the concerns of retailers throughout the state.
(1) Except as provided in subdivision (b)(2) of this section, each member appointed to the board shall serve a term of two (2) years.
(A) Five (5) of the initial appointees shall serve initial terms of one (1) year.
(B) The initial appointees shall draw lots to determine which five (5) members shall serve a one-year term.
(3) A member of the board shall not serve more than six (6) terms.
(1) The board shall provide by rule for its operating procedures.
(2) Members shall serve without compensation or reimbursement of expenses.
(3) The board may report to the office and the Legislative Council in writing at any time.
(4) The director may invite the board to make an oral presentation to the office at any time.
(d) The following shall not be appointed as a member of the board:
(1) A member of the immediate family of the Secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration;
(2) A member of the immediate family of the director; or
(3) A member of the immediate family of an employee of the office.
Structure Arkansas Code
Title 23 - Public Utilities and Regulated Industries
Subtitle 4 - Miscellaneous Regulated Industries
Chapter 115 - Arkansas Scholarship Lottery Act
Subchapter 2 - Office of the Arkansas Lottery
§ 23-115-201. Office of the Arkansas Lottery — Creation — Venue
§ 23-115-204. Lottery Retailer Advisory Board
§ 23-115-205. Office of the Arkansas Lottery powers
§ 23-115-206. Internal controls — Annual audit
§ 23-115-208. Sovereign immunity
§ 23-115-209. Appealing administrative orders of the Office of the Arkansas Lottery
§ 23-115-211. Certain sections inapplicable
§ 23-115-212. Duties and responsibilities of internal auditor