Arkansas Code
Subchapter 3 - Animals Covered by Initiated Acts
§ 2-38-301. Running at large unlawful when prohibited

(a) In all counties of this state where there has been or may be submitted to the people by initiative petition a proposed act prohibiting horses, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep, and goats, or any of them, from running at large in the county and at an election held pursuant thereto, the electors voting thereon have enacted or shall enact such an act, it shall be unlawful from the effective date of the act for any animals, at any time during the year, to run at large and enter in and upon the fields and lands of the county, either enclosed or unenclosed.
(1) In every case of trespass by an animal described and prohibited by the initiated act, the owner of the animal shall be liable, for all damages it may do, to the person owning crops, to be established and recovered in a civil action.
(2) A lien shall exist against the animal in favor of the person whose crops may have been damaged or destroyed, and they may be sold under an order of the court rendering judgment for damages, to which shall be added any and all costs of taking up, feeding, and caring for the animal, and other costs.